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All that was pretty bad, and I did not know how to get away, my position being really a poor one in a strategic sense of the word. I had to escape without attracting too much attention. When I was thinking over how to do it a voice called: "Bist du dort, Swartz?" "Ja wohl!" I answered as nonchalantly as I could, having covered my mouth with my glove, "soll' ich noch warten?"

Brown very quietly laid one hand on Stent’s arm. "A geier, perhaps," suggested Siurd, his eye glued to his spyglass. "No ibex?" asked Stent in a voice a little forced. "Noch nicht, mon ami. Tiens! A gemsbok high on the third peak feeding." "Accorded," grunted the Herr Professor after an interval of search; and he closed his spyglass and placed his rifle on the moss.

Denn Spinnen werden oben ein Wohl gar noch meine Mörder seyn.” This poem is a rather successful bit of ridicule cast on the over-sentimental who sought to follow Yorick’s foot-prints. The other allusions to Sterne are concerned with his hobby-horse idea, for this seems to gain the poet’s approbation and to have no share in his censure.

The black color signifies our grief, the red signifies blood." And suddenly he commenced to sing: "Noch trauera wir im schwarzeu Racherkleide Um den gestorbnen Muth, Doch fragt man Euch, was dieses Roth bedeute; Das deutet Frankenblut!" "Mit Gott! Einst geht hoch uber Feindesleichen Der Stern des Friedens auf; Dann pflanzen wir ein weisses Siegeszeichen Am freien Rheinstrom auf."

Trabt mäandrisch über Berg und Auen, Reist empfindsam durch sein Dorfgebiet, Oder singt die Jugend zu erbauen Ganz Gefühl dem Gartengott ein Lied. Gott der Gärten, stöhnt die Bürgerin, Lächle gütig, Rasen und Schasmin Haucht Gerüche! Fliehet Handlungssorgen, Dass mein Liebster heute noch in Ruh Sein Mark-Einsaz-Lomber spiele Morgen, Schliessen wir die Unglücksbude zu!”

Im Vordergrunde steht eine bewaffnete Frauengestalt, auf deren Schilde die Namen aller "noch zu befreienden Provinzen": Bosnien, Herzegowina, Wojwodina, Gyrmien, Dalmatien usw. stehen. Extract from the Dispatch from His Majesty's Ambassador at Vienna respecting the Rupture of Diplomatic Relations with the Austro-Hungarian Government.

We have had our talk you and I grasped hands, cheered each other, "passed the time of day," undweiter noch noch weiter mein treuer Wanderstab! The words fell from the deep voice with a rich significant note. Lucy heard the sigh, the impatient, despondent sigh, that followed. They moved away.

"'Very likely, I said. 'But you can search me for German words, except nix verstay and noch einst. I would have called that "See, senor" French, though, on a gamble. "Well, we three made a sneak around the edge of town so as not to be seen. We got tangled in vines and ferns and the banana bushes and tropical scenery a good deal. The monkey suburbs was as wild as places in Central Park.

Man traf keine verodete Stellen an. Alles war angebaut. Das Landvolk sah vergnugt aus, und in den Stadten herrschte Wohlstand und Freude. Aber welch' eine Veranderung gegen eine so angenehme Scene! Ich bin in partheischen Beschreibungen nicht erfahren, noch weniger kann ich die Grauel der Verwilstung mit erdichteten Schilderungen schrecklicher darstellen.

Notably such a one is the often-quoted Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven. Paradise Lost, i. 263. which is Vondel's En liever d'eerste Vorst in eenigh lager hof Dan in't gezalight licht de tweede, of noch een minder! But it is in the sixth book only in which anything more than a verbal similarity is traceable. According to Mr.