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'Would ye come across my hawse without slacking weigh? Clew up, d'ye see, clew up! 'Why, Captain, I said, 'I did not see you. I was lost in thought. 'All adrift and without look-outs, quoth he, pushing his way through the break in the garden hedge. 'Odd's niggars, man! friends are not so plentiful, d'ye see, that ye need pass 'em by without a dip o' the ensign.

If you want to see wretches, go to James Town, and see de poor white critters dat ab to do all dere own work deyselves, cause dey is so poor, dey ab no niggars to do it for 'em. "Sais he, 'Hab you ebber tort ob dat long journey dat is afore you? to dat far off counteree where you will be mancipated and free, where de weary hab no rest, and de wicked hab no labor?

'In Souf Carolina de niggars grow If de white man will only plant his toe, Den dey water de ground wid baccy smoke, And out ob de soil dere heads will poke. Ring de hoop, blow de horn, I nebber see de like since I was born, Way down in de counte-ree, Four or five mile from de ole Peedee.

But dem days not stay long, for one day dar come a fierce looking man, from way down in Kentuck, and as he went ober de plantation, I oberhears him saying to massa, dat he must hab just de smartest, good-looking niggars dat could be scared up, for dar was one ob de richest men in Kentuck dat was willing to pay any price for dem; but dey must be made ob de right material, for he worked his niggars, and cut dem up so, dat he hab to get in a fresh supply ebery now and den.

"'Down to Boston I spose, Massa, sais I, 'mong dem pententionists and ablutionists, Massa; ablution is a mean, nasty, dirty ting, and don't suit niggars what hab good missus like me, and I won't take dat journey, and I hate dat cold counteree, and I want nottin' to do wid mansipationists. "'It ain't dat, said he, 'it's up above. "'What, sais I, 'up dere in de mountains?

Massa, sais I, 'me and missus don't low ablution talk here, on no account whatsomever, de only larnin' we lows of is whippin' fellows who tice niggars to rections, and de slaves of dis plantation will larn you as sure as you is bawn, for dey lub missus dearly. You had better kummence de long journey usself. Sallust, bring out dis gentleman hoss; and Plutarch, go fetch de saddle-bag down.

Nobody was good nuff for her dere; dey had no taste for cookin'. She was mighty high 'mong de ladies, in de instep, but not a mossel of pride to de niggars. Oh, you would a walked right into de cockles ob her heart. If you had tredded up to her, she would a married you, and gub you her tree plantations, and eight hundred niggar, and ebery ting, and order dinner for you herself.

"Cato, who had been away forward early in the morning to see about our breakfast, came back aft with a terrified face. "`Yay, massa, said he, `guess dose tam niggars up to sumfin'! I'se hear um say dey smell de lan' an' de time was 'rive to settle de white trash, dat what dey say, an' take ship. One ob de tam raskel see me come out of gully, an' say cut um tongue out if I'se tell youse, massa!

It do seem nateral to me, for when our young niggars go sparkin' and spendin' evenings, dey most commonly marries. It stand to reason. But, Massa, I is bery bad indeed wid dis dreadful pain in my infernal parts I is indeed. Oh," said he, smackin' his lips, and drainin' his glass, "dat is def to a white man, but life to a niggar; dat is sublime.

Ole massa he 'pear rather sober like, when he find one ob his niggars killed, for he sot a heap on de young uns dat was comin' up, 'cause dey be big enough soon to be ob some 'count; but de trader hand ober fifty dollar bill, to make de accident good, and took de opportunity to get away, 'fore Phillis come to again; but dey not say any ting to me 'bout my loss, and 'pears like dey could not cober de great break in my heart, wid all de fifty dollar bills in Berginny.