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I knows den it no use to look for her any longer, and de more I grows to look down, 'pears like de more dey laughs at me, and dey calls me 'dat moon-hit niggar. I gets so stupid after a while, dat massa threatens to sell me way down whar dey works de niggars up; and I gets so, I don't care how much dey whips me, or anyting else, for I tinks I neber be mysef again, when one day massa takes me wid him down to de boats, to fotch de cotton, and I hears de captain ask, what ail dat fellow to look so blue, and massa tells him, I got a notion dat I hab a right to keep my wife and young uns, like I hab de feelin's ob white folks.

I'll tell you what, sir, Killall understands it; he'll sell dar hides for shoe leather radder dan let his niggars stand idle! When I hear dat, missy, my bery blood boil, and 'pears like I couldn't keep my hands off from de villain; but I know dat if I make any resistance, it fare all de worse wid Phillis, and I get sent to de whippin'-place, into de bargain; so I only grind my teeth, and look on, like I didn't know any better; but, missy, didn't I wish I white man den, jus' for de sake ob sabin' my wife and young uns? for I lib wid Phillis so long I couldn't help feeling 'tached to her.

"'What made you tink I was a goin' for to die? said she, 'do I look so ill? "'No, Missus; but dat is de way de Boston preacher dat staid here last week spoke to me, de long-legged, sour face, Yankee villain. He is uglier and yallerer dan Aunt Phillissy Anne's crooked-necked squashes. I don't want to see no more ob such fellers pysonin' de minds ob de niggars here. "Says he, 'My man.

"Oh, Massa, dis coast is only fit for seals, porpoises, and dog-fish, but not for gentleman, nor niggars, nor ladies. Oh, I berry bad," and he pressed both hands on his stomach as if he was in great pain. "Perhaps another glass of old Jamaica would set you right," I said. "Massa, what a most a grand doctor you would ab made," he said.

"Oh, Massa," said he, "don't go for to ask dis child what you knows yourself better nor what he does. I will tell you some oder time, I is bery poorly just now, dis uncountable fog ab got into my bones. Dis is shocking bad country for niggars; oh, dere is nuffin' like de lubbly sout; it's a nateral home for blackies.

He was so frighten, we had to burn lights for a week he tought after dat he saw Zeno in bed wid him all de time. It's werry dangerous, Missus, to sleep near cold people like Yankees and dead niggars. "'Sorrow, you is a knave I believe, she said. "'Knave, knave, Missus, I sais, 'I don't know dat word. "'Sorrow, said she, 'I is a goin' to take you wid me.

I must hab dis one at any price!, Old Killall be good-natured a month, when he sees dis handsome critter; but if he don't use her up in less dan dat time, he'll do what he neber done afore! I tell you, sar, it's surprisin' to see how much work he'll get out ob his niggars; goes ahead ob anyting you eber heard ob; dat's de way he's made such a power ob money.

"'Well, Missus, sais I, 'dem clams do mind me ob chickens. Now, Missus, will you skuse me if I git you the receipt Miss Phillis and I ab cyphered out, how to presarve chickens? "'Yes, she said, 'I will. Let me hear it. Dat is sumthen new. "'Well, Missus, you know how you and I is robbed by our niggars like so many minks.

And then, when our men were lying about, suspecting nothing, the natives should fall on them and tie them, or shoot them, and then turn the guns on the city. And he has sent for the niggars!" Aiken cried. "And there's not one of them that wouldn't sell you out. They're there now!" he cried, shaking his hand at the mountain. "I warned you! I warned you!"

Well, me and Miss Phillis used to dress up hansum for dinner to set good sample to niggars, and two ob de coloured waiters tended on us. "So one day, said Miss Phillis to me: 'What shall I ab de honor to help yaw to, Mr Sorrow? "'Aunt Phillis, sais I, 'skuse me one minit, I ab made a grand 'skivery. "'What is dat, uncle, sais she, 'you is so clebber! I clare you is wort your weight in gold.