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So far as they could judge for he stood with the waning light at his back he was not ill-featured; but, by his manner of mopping his brow, he was most ungracefully hot, and Molly declared ever afterwards that his thick worsted stockings, seen against the ball of the sun, gave his calves a hideous hairiness. She used to add that he was more than half drunk.

Where the capsular ligament is perforated and the condition becomes one of open joint, then a special wound treatment becomes necessary. The surface of the skin is first freed from all hair and filth in the vicinity of the wound. The wound proper is cleared of all foreign material either by clipping with the scissors, curetting or mopping with cotton or gauze pledgets.

There was Bud King, his tie a vivid scarlet, his store clothes a blue-bird-blue, the wide silk handkerchief mopping his flushed face a rich yellow; there was Hank James from the Deer Creek outfit speeding away with long strides to his own bottle under his own bush where he might conceal the tremor of the new happiness he had but come from and drink to the big-eyed girl in the pink dress with the cascades of baby-ribbon; there was Ruf Ettinger with his new overalls turned back the regulation six inches from the bottoms in a cowboy cuff that permitted of the vision of six inches of grey trouser leg below; there was Chase Harper of Tres Pinos in the smallest boots man ever wore, with the highest heels, their newness a thing of which in their pride they shrieked manfully as he walked; and there was Ben Broderick, the miner, quietly dressed in black broadcloth, looking almost the man of the city.

A moment later, and before Roger had reached the front door, her hand slipped and she fell forward among the nettles in a swoon. "Well, that's over!" said Roger, returning to the dining-room and mopping his brow. "Upon my word, Jose, that nasty varmint gave me quite a turn for the moment, he spoke so confident." "Tut, tut!" ejaculated Mr.

'Good God! he cried. 'Uncle Joseph! This'll never do. And he backed out, almost upsetting his companion, and once more closed the door upon the sleeping patriarch. The next moment the pair had jumped into the baggage van. 'What's the row about your Uncle Joseph? enquired the younger traveller, mopping his brow. 'Does he object to smoking?

In another unfinished piece, which is now in the South London Art Gallery at Camberwell, we see the same powerful qualities differently exhibited, for it is not a single head this time, but a sketch of a ballroom where everybody is dancing, except one gentleman who is even more vivid than the rest, in the act of mopping his head at the open window.

One day, as I rode in from the field, I found Colonel Lloyd just arrived from Philadelphia, sipping sangaree on the lawn and mopping himself with his handkerchief. His jolly face was troubled. He waved his hand at me. "Well, Richard," says he, "we children are to have our first whipping. At least one of us. And the rest are resolved to defy our parent." "Boston, Mr. Lloyd?" I asked.

There they were regarded with mild condescension by young gentlemen who rushed in from the dance, mopping their brows and inhaling cigarettes for a moment, wearing the melancholy air becoming to those who support the pillars of society. At ten o'clock the receiving line had dissolved and the dance was in full swing above. Sylvia had volunteered to act as Mrs.

He tuned in this one and cut that one out. "Whew!" he exclaimed, mopping his brow, "what a night! Wish Curlie were here." To start the night's entertainment a boy had broken in on the radio concert. Then a crank had come shouting right into the middle of a speech by a politician. A few moments later a message on 1200 had fairly burst his ear-drums.

Benson were to ask him, and if he can play for the violin I should fancy he can for the voice." "Very well," said John, "we will let it go at that." As he spoke David came round the corner of the bank and up to the carriage. "How d'y' do, Miss Verjoos? How air ye, Miss Claricy?" he asked, taking off his straw hat and mopping his face and head with his handkerchief.