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But to bury myself as a physician, stealing about from house to house, and moping over sick beds, is a sacrifice of my talents that I cannot think of without turning from the picture with disgust." "Nor can I," would be the wife's reply. "And what is more, I never will consent to such a perversion of your talents." "Why cannot you study law, even now, Charles?" she asked of him one day.

"Fancy spending the last evening they have together moping upstairs with a headache! Wonder if anything's gone wrong?" A few moments later she was back in the office with the two men. "I can't find Polly," she said, in alarm. "I've been to my room and to hers and she isn't in either. Her hat and coat are gone, too." Scott came out of his chair with a bound.

It was Aunt Kate's unconscious hand that struck the blow, on a wild afternoon, All Hallow E'en, as it happened, when the older woman made the long trip to see Rose, and came on to Norma with a report that everything was going well, and Miggs more fascinating than ever. Mrs. Sheridan found Norma at the close of the short afternoon, moping in her unlighted house.

He and Rawdon are playing at cards every night; and you know he is very poor, and Rawdon will win every shilling from him if he does not take care. Why don't you prevent him, you little careless creature? Why don't you come to us of an evening, instead of moping at home with that Captain Dobbin? I dare say he is très aimable; but how can one love a man with feet of such size?

One hour, an animal of this sort is moping, especially if nobody but her husband is present; the next hour, if others happen to be present, she has plenty of smiles; the next she is giggling or capering about; and the next singing to the motion of a lazy needle, or perhaps weeping over a novel. And this is called sentiment! She is a woman of feeling and good taste!

What then should he do? if he were to go to Captain Ussher now, and tell him to discontinue his visits, he would only be asked if he had his sister's authority for doing so, or his father's. Should he get, or try to get, his father's authority? The old man he knew was moping over the parlour fire, half drunk, half stupid, and half asleep.

He said that in two months she had contributed more to the mortality among the patients than he had in two years, and told her flatly that she had been trained for the drawing-room and ought to stay there. She was glad enough to have an excuse for leaving; for she was heartily sick of making a fool of herself." "Indeed! Where is she now?" "Back at Towers Cottage, moping, I suppose. That's Mr.

My wife was sulky and said to me, "Thou hast taken thy pleasure all day, whilst I have been moping at home. So now, except thou carry me abroad and amuse me for the rest of the day, it will be the cause of my separation from thee."

"An hour's knockabout with me will do the child more good than moping in the house, and I ought to have thought of it myself. Come along, Harry Brooks, and play me a match at single wicket. Help me push away the catapult there into the corner. Will you take first innings, or shall we toss?"

As soon as the young ladies are over the preliminary burst of compliments and news, Edna says: "I'm lucky to find you at home, but really you oughtn't to be moping in a dark place like this, such a fine afternoon." "Father can't go out because of his rheumatism, and I stay to keep him company," replies Florence. "Oh, dear me, Mr.