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He was the son of an eminent merchant who, during the time that he was a midshipman, had allowed him a much larger sum for his expenses than was necessary or proper; and, during his career, he found that his full pocket procured him consequence, not only among his own messmates, but also with many of the officers of the ships that he sailed in.

"Then wait a few hours longer," proposed Dave, "until even raw fish will be a delicacy." Hallam took no part in the chaffing. He was miserably conscious, all the while, that his own folly had been solely responsible for the present plight of these noble messmates. Thus the time passed on. None kept any track of it; they realized only that it was still daylight.

On hearing from Mr Norman what had occurred, the boats were immediately ordered off, the captain himself taking command, the third lieutenant and the senior mate having charge of the other boats, with two or three other midshipmen and master's assistants, who were all eager to recover their lost messmates.

"Well, you must know, messmates," said he, "that I set sail alone this mornin', havin' in my pocket the small compass I always carry about me also my bearin's before startin', so as I shouldn't go lost in the woods though that wouldn't be likely in such an narrow inlet as this Traitor's Trap, to say nothin' o' the landmarks alow and aloft of all sorts.

Campbell said, "I'm sorry, Alfred, that I could not give your messmates any fishing." "And so am I, and so were they, for your sakes, my dear father and mother; but what is, is and what can't be helped, can't so we must make the best of it; but where's Henry and my cousins?" "They are walking in the park, Alfred; you had better join them; they are most anxious to see you."

Eight bells had struck. The boatswain and his mates had piped the hands to dinner; my mess-cloth was set out, and my messmates were assembled, knife in hand, all ready to precipitate themselves upon the devoted duff: Waiting at the grand cookery till my turn came, I received the bag of pudding, and gallanting it into the mess, proceeded to loosen the string.

After I had taken off my dirk and cocked hat, I felt for my pocket-handkerchief, and found that it was not in my pocket, having in all probability been taken out by the men in grey jackets, whom, in conversation with my messmates, I discovered to be convicts condemned to hard labour for stealing and picking pockets. A day or two afterwards, we had a new messmate of the name of M'Foy.

"`I never join a craft unless I know what sort of a captain and messmates I'm a-going to have, said Toney. "`There are times when a man mustn't be over particular, said his visitor. `You're a fool if you don't say yes, so just come on deck and sign articles. You'll learn all about this craft afterwards. "`No, no, said Toney; `I never buy a pig in a poke. Tell me what?

"What's that you say about the Emperor, Bill?" "The Emperor of Roosia," said Bill Blunt, reading slowly, and with difficulty, "is stop a bit, messmates, wot can this word be? the Emperor of Roosia is "

They chucked them two pore chaps overboard, and, speaking up for my messmates and self, I says we don't hold with killing nobody 'cept in the name of dooty; but here's a set o' miserable beggars as goes about buying and selling the pore niggers, and treating 'em worse than they would a box o' worms to go fishing with.