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"Oh, my father was meikle about the King's hand," answered Louis, recollecting his present character. "No wonder, then," said Sir Henry, "that you have so soon recovered your good spirits and good breeding, when you heard of his Majesty's escape. Why, you are no more like the lad we saw last night, than the best hunter I ever had was like a dray-horse."

And I cannot tell you precisely how they sorted; but they agreed sae right that Donald was invited to dance at the wedding in his Highland trews, and they said that there was never sae meikle siller clinked in his purse either before or since.

Mr Witherspoon, I ken you weel; meikle sweet counselling I hae gotten frae you when ye preached for our minister at Camrachle in the time of the great covenanting. I was then as a lanerly widow, for my gudeman was at the raid of Dunse-hill, and my heart was often sorrowful and sinking wi' a sinful misdooting of Providence, for I had twa wee bairns and but a toom garnel."

'He was a sicklie, tender boy, and tuk pleasure in nathing sa meikle as his buik. He began his education in the Grammar School of Montrose, which had great repute, and on leaving it he attended for two years the school in the same town, founded by Erskine of Dun, for the teaching of Greek.

The greatest Clerks are not the wisest men. There belongs mair to a bed nor four bare leggs. They had never an ill day, that had a good evening. There is meikle hid meat in a Goose eye. Take a man by his word, and a Cow by her horn. The shots overgoes the old swine. Touch me not on the fair heel. The Malt is above the Meal. There is a dog in the well. Thy Thumb is under my Belt.

Andrew went to Lamberton with his fish on the following day, and again he found a profitable market; and some words had again passed between him and Meikle Robin; but, as he was returning home, he overtook the stranger by whom Robin had been defeated. "Losh, man!" said Andrew, pulling up his pony, "is this ye?

To keep within the bounds of prose was impossible. Mrs. Little's is a more elegant, but not a more sincere compliment to the sweet little fellow, than I, extempore almost, poured out to him in the following verses: Sweet flow'ret, pledge o' meikle love, etc.

"In this mean time was good peace and rest in Scotland and great love betwixt the King and all his subjects, and was well loved by them all: for he was verrie noble, and though the vice of covetousness rang over meikle in his father it rang not in himself: nor yet pykthankis nor cowards should be authorised in his companie, nor yet advanced; neither used he the council but of his lords, whereby he won the hearts of the whole nobilitie; so that he could ride out through any part of the realme, him alone, unknowing that he was King; and would lie in poor men's houses as he had been ane travellour through the country, and would require of them where he lodged, where the King was, and what ane man he was, and how he used himself towards his subjects, and what they spoke of him through the countrie.

Anes pay it never crave it. A fools bolt is soon shot. Anes wood, never wise, ay the worse. As the Carle riches he wretches. An ill life, an ill end. A Skabbed Horse is good enough for a skald Squire. A given Horse should not be lookt in the teeth. An old seck craves meikle clouting. A travelled man hath leave to lye. A fool when he hes spoken, hes all done. A man that is warned, is half-armed.

Quho, with meikle low courtessie, talkit all his mynd in his awin maner, roundly, soundly, fully, freely, and fervently, almaist the space of ane hour, not omitting any poynt he could remember. James Balfour was the next called on, and the King, by the time he was done with Melville and him, evidently realised that he was getting the worst of the encounter 'smelling how the matter went, he seemit weary. Balfour was followed by James Melville, who at the close of his examination had the courage to hand to the King a supplication addressed to him by the condemned ministers, which James received with an angry smile.