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Updated: August 22, 2024

There was hardly a notable feature in his weak face, except his eyes, which were moist and shy and not unlike the animal to which Mr. McCorkle had compared him. It was the face that the editor had seen at the window. "Knowed him for fower year, since he war a boy," continued Mr. McCorkle in a loud whisper. "Allers the same, bless you! Can jerk a rhyme as easy as turnin' jack.

It was a pleasant afternoon when the editor of the "Sierra Flat Record" looked up from his case and beheld the figure of Mr. Morgan McCorkle standing in the doorway. There was a distressed look on the face of that worthy gentleman that at once enlisted the editor's sympathizing attention. He held an open letter in his hand, as he advanced toward the middle of the room.

The names of two of our party, McCorkle and McClintic, he said, were too long and that he would call them Cockle and Flint, but before proceeding further he would give us some music. Here we passed the night in comfortable beds and, after a bountiful breakfast, left with a pressing invitation to return for a rabbit-chase with his hounds, which we gladly accepted and afterward enjoyed.

"'We'll be leaving on the morning train, says Andy. 'You'd better get your collars and cuffs and press clippings together. "'Great! says I. 'I'll be ready. But, Andy, says I, 'I wish I could have met that Professor James Darnley McCorkle before we went. I had a curiosity to know that man. "'That'll be easy, says Andy, turning around to the faro dealer.

J. B. McCorkle, a noble fellow and recklessly brave, was killed at first Fredericksburg. As stated in this paper, besides those regularly enrolled in the company were men who did more or less service with it, but whose names do not appear on the roll.

Chubbuck had been unmindful of his poetic qualities. A certain portion of each day he was absent from town, "a communin' with natur'," as Mr. McCorkle expressed it, and actually wandering in the mountain trails, or lying on his back under the trees, or gathering fragrant herbs and the bright-colored berries of the Marzanita.

After an hour of spirited work, our antagonists limbered up and hurried off, leaving us victors in the contest. Lieutenant Baxter McCorkle galloped over to the place to see what execution we had done, and found several dead men, as many or more dead horses, and one of their caissons as evidences of good aim; and brought back with him a fine army-pistol left in the caisson.

Alexander, M.D., president; Thomas Polk, Abraham Alexander, Thomas Neal, Waightstill Avery, Ephraim Brevard, John Simpson, John McKnitt Alexander, Adlai Osborn, and the Rev. Messrs. David Caldwell, James Edmonds, Thomas Reese, Samuel E. McCorkle, Thomas H. McCaule and James Hall. The Academy received no funds or endowment from the State, and no further patronage than this charter.

Five minutes later they halted hilariously before its door. But it was closed, dark, and silent! Their sudden onset and alarm brought Sanchicha to the half-opened door. "Ah, yes! the Senorita? Bueno! She had just left for Fiddletown with the Senor Parks, the honorable mayor. They had been married only a few moments before by the Reverend Mr. McCorkle!" It was bitterly cold.

We overtook Tazwell McCorkle, of Lynchburg, the only member of our company who could afford the luxury of being married and having his wife nearby. He had just received a box from home, and invited us to go with him to his wife's boarding-house and partake of its contents.

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