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Reciting a passage of the immortal Senator he tipped his beer into the lap of McClingan. He ceased talking and sought pardon. 'It is nothing, Force nothing, said the Scotchman, with great dignity, as he wiped his coat and trousers. 'You will pardon me if I say that I had rather be drenched in beer than soaked in recollections. 'That's all right, said Mr Opper, handing him a new napkin.

I have heard Lincoln talk when his words had the whiz of a bullet and his arm the jerk of a piston. John Trumbull invited McClingan, of whom I had told him much, and myself to dine with him an evening that week. I went in my new dress suit that mark of sinful extravagance for which Fate had brought me down to the pounding of rocks under Boss McCormick.

My face and neck were burned crimson when we quit work at five, and I went home with a feeling of having been run over by the cars. I had a strong sense of soul and body, the latter dominated by a mighty appetite. McClingan viewed me at first with suspicion in which there was a faint flavour of envy. He invited me at once to his room, and was amazed at seeing it was no lark.

'I shall be leaving here soon, Brower, said McGlingan as he lit a cigar. 'Where shall you go? I asked. 'To my own house. 'Going to hire a housekeeper? 'Going to marry one, said he. 'That's funny, I said. We're all to be married every man of us. 'By Jove! said McClingan, 'this is a time for congratulation. God save us and grant for us all the best woman in the world.

The few light hairs that stood in lonely abandonment on his upper lip, the rest of his lean visage always well shorn, had no small part in the grand effect of McClingan. 'A love story! said Miss Hull. 'I do wish I had your confidence. I like a real, true love story. 'A simple stawry it is, said McClingan, 'and Jam proud of my part in it. I shall be glad to tell the stawry if you are to hear it.

"Who hath found love is already in Heaven,"'said McClingan. 'I have not found it and I am in'' he hesitated, as if searching for a synonym. 'A boarding house on William Street, he added. The remarkable thing about Margaret Hull was her simple faith. It looked to no glittering generality for its reward, such as the soul s 'highest good much talked of in the philosophy of that time.

'Greeley is back, said he, 'and I shall see him tomorrow. I will put him in mind o'you. I went away sore in the morning, but with no drooping spirit. In the middle of the afternoon I straightened up a moment to ease my back and look about me. There at the edge of the gang stood the great Horace Greeley and Waxy McClingan. The latter beckoned me as he caught my eye. I went aside to greet them.

Believe me, my dear Force, you would win golden opinions. 'It would be better than addressing an ear of wax, said Force, hurriedly withdrawing to his own room. This answer made McClingan angry. 'Better an ear of wax than a brain of putty, he called after him. 'Blessed is he that hath no ears when a fool's tongue is busy, and then strode up and down the floor, muttering ominously.

Mr Greeley gave me his hand. 'Do you mean to tell me that you'd rather work than beg or borrow? said he. 'That's about it, I answered. 'And ain't ashamed of it? 'Ashamed! Why? said I, not quite sure of his meaning. It had never occurred to me that one had any cause to be ashamed of working. He turned to McClingan and laughed. 'I guess you'll do for the Tribune, he said.

For every man he knew and loved Mr Greeley had a kindness that filled him to the fingertips. When I returned he smote me on the breast an unfailing mark of his favour and doubled my salary. 'If he ever smites you on the breast, McClingan had once said to me, 'turn the other side, for, man, your fortune is made. And there was some truth in the warning. He was writing when I came in.