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Updated: August 5, 2024

Orange and Count Louis in France Peace with the Huguenots Coligny's memoir, presented by request to Charles IX., on the subject of invading the Netherlands Secret correspondence of Orange organized by Paul Buys Privateering commissions issued by the Prince Regulations prescribed by him for the fleets thus created Impoverished condition of the Prince His fortitude His personal sacrifices and privations His generosity Renewed contest between the Duke and the Estates on the subject of the tenth and twentieth pence Violent disputes in the council Firm opposition of Viglius Edict commanding the immediate collection of the tax Popular tumults Viglius denounced by Alva The Duke's fierce complaints to the King Secret schemes of Philip against Queen Elizabeth of England The Ridolphi plot to murder Elizabeth countenanced by Philip and Pius V. The King's orders to Alva to further the plan The Duke's remonstrances Explosion of the plot Obstinacy of Philip Renewed complaints of Alva as to the imprudent service required of him Other attempts of Philip to murder Elizabeth Don John of Austria in the Levant Battle of Lepanto Slothfulness of Selim Appointment of Medina Celi Incessant wrangling in Brussels upon the tax Persevering efforts of Orange Contempt of Alva for the Prince Proposed sentence of ignominy against his name Sonoy's mission to Germany Remarkable papers issued by the Prince The "harangue" Intense hatred for Alva entertained by the highest as well as lower orders Visit of Francis de Alva to Brussels His unfavourable report to the King Querulous language of the Duke Deputation to Spain Universal revolt against the tax Ferocity of Alva Execution of eighteen tradesmen secretly ordered Interrupted by the capture of Brill Beggars of the sea The younger Wild Boar of Ardennes Reconciliation between the English government and that of Alva The Netherland privateersmen ordered out of English ports De la Marck's fleet before Brill The town summoned to surrender Commissioners sent out to the fleet Flight of the magistrates and townspeople Capture of the place Indignation of Alva Popular exultation in Brussels Puns and Caricatures Bossu ordered to recover the town of Brill His defeat His perfidious entrance into Rotterdam Massacre in that city Flushing revolutionized Unsuccessful attempt of Governor de Bourgogne to recal the citizens to their obedience Expedition under Treslong from Brill to assist the town of Flushing Murder of Paccheco by the Patriots Zeraerts appointed Governor of Walcheren by Orange.

"There is a report also," continued De Comines, "that an envoy, or herald, on La Marck's part, is approaching Peronne; this is like to drive the Duke frantic with rage I trust that he has no letters or the like to show on your Majesty's part?" "Letters to a Wild Boar!" answered the King. "No, no, Sir Philip, I was no such fool as to cast pearls before swine.

He peremptorily rejected La Marck's advice that the Ministers should be admitted to the secret. He avowed to Mercy that he intended soon to change them for men who could co-operate with Mirabeau; but he was resolved not to place himself at once irrevocably in the power of a man in whom he had no confidence, and who was only the subject of an experiment.

It was two hours after noon, when the travellers were alarmed by the report of the guide, who, with paleness and horror in his countenance, said that they were pursued by a party of De la Marck's Schwarzreiters. These soldiers, or rather banditti, were bands levied in the Lower Circles of Germany, and resembled the lanzknechts in every particular, except that the former acted as light cavalry.

To the first of these questions Quentin Durward answered by naming Hayraddin Maugrabin, the Bohemian; to the second, that the guide had been recommended by Tristan l'Hermite; and in reply to the third point he mentioned what had happened in the Franciscan convent near Namur, how the Bohemian had been expelled from the holy house, and how, jealous of his behaviour, he had dogged him to a rendezvous with one of William de la Marck's lanzknechts, where he overheard them arrange a plan for surprising the ladies who were under his protection.

On the contrary, if nothing occurs to stir the rage of this vindictive madman, I am sure of victory; and surely, I am not a little obliged to the skill which selected for my agent, as the conductor of the Ladies of Croye, a youth whose horoscope so far corresponded with mine that he hath saved me from danger, even by the disobedience of my own commands, and taking the route which avoided De la Marck's ambuscade."

His lieutenant obeyed, and, with most of the few lanzknechts who remained alive, hurried to the farther end of the street, for the purpose of charging those Burgundians who were advancing, and so forcing their way, so as to escape. About six of De la Marck's best men remained to perish with their master, and fronted the Archers, who were not many more in number. "Sanglier! Sanglier!

La Marck's interests were concerned in a debate on mineral property which was fixed for the following day. Fortified with a good deal of Tokay, Mirabeau spoke repeatedly. It was the last time. He came back to his friend and said, "Your cause is won, but I am lost." When his danger became known, it seemed that nothing had occurred to diminish public confidence, or tarnish the lustre of his fame.

"France and Liege, and long live the gallant Archer! We will live and die with him!" William de la Marck's eyes sparkled, and he grasped his dagger as if about to launch it at the heart of the audacious speaker, but glancing his eye around, he read something in the looks of his soldiers which even he was obliged to respect.

The bishop himself was murdered by De la Marck's orders, in his very dining hall; the Countess Isabelle escaped under Durward's protection, while the Countess Hameline remained to become the wife of the Wild Boar. The son of a burgher with whom Durward had made friends undertook to guide the Countess Isabelle and her companion to the frontiers of Burgundy.

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