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Updated: January 27, 2025
"And I'll remember it too and square up," added Koswell. "We'll make Brill too hot to hold you," snapped Flockley, and then he turned into the gateway leading to the campus and his crony followed. "Dick, we have made two enemies, that's sure," remarked Sam to his brother as they watched Flockley and Koswell depart. "It couldn't be helped if we have, Sam," was the reply.
"I ain't said anything, have I?" Healy came back smoothly. Yeager's quiet voice broke the silence that followed, while Phil was trying to voice the resentment in him. "You mean what we're all thinking, Brill, I reckon that she is the sort to forget herself when somebody needs her help. Ain't that it?" The eyes of the two met steadily in a clash of wills.
Although it was so brilliantly fine the blue sky powdered with gold and great spots of light like white wine splashed over the Jardins Publiques Miss Brill was glad that she had decided on her fur.
Then, after a backward glance, fell into a quick walk that brought him past the Brill House and to Schroeder's drug store corner. There was his crowd Spider, and Red, and Bing, and Casey. They took him literally unto their breasts. They thumped him on the back. They bestowed on him the low epithets with which they expressed admiration.
"Dan's so all-fired proud of that youngster he never lets a chance slip to tell we named him Daniel Gowdy Brill. Though Dan senior usually forgets to add the Brill." "Does does Mrs. Brill know I'm coming?" ventured Betty. "She sure does! I telephoned her the minute I heard from Dan, and I suspect she and the baby are sitting out on the fence now watching for you to come along.
"We neither of us really thought you'd turn traitor, but I was afraid that, feeling the way you naturally would, you might thoughtlessly say something that Brill could make use of. That's all" Cowan looked doubtful for a moment, then he sniffed. "Well, all right," he said finally. "Forget it." "You're going out to the game, aren't you?" Paul asked. "Yes, I guess so.
It contained a large number of monasteries, its authorities were all Catholics and devoted to the cause of Spain, and although there were a great many well wishers to the cause of freedom within its walls, these were powerless to take action, and the movement which, after the capture of Brill and Flushing, had caused almost all the towns of Holland to declare for the Prince of Orange, found no echo in Amsterdam.
Von Warmond filled a fresh glass, saying with a slight shade of reproof in his tone: "Why, Captain, Captain, what whims are these? Before the battle of Brill I fell in jumping out of the boat and broke my sword. I soon found another, but the idea came into my head: 'you'll meet your death to-day. Yet here I sit, and hope to empty many a beaker with you."
One thunderbolt after another seemed descending around him in breathless succession. Brill and Flushing had been already lost; Middelburg was so closely invested that its fall seemed imminent, and with it would go the whole island of Walcheren, the key to all the Netherlands.
He begged the good doctor to forgive him, and said he would be willing to do anything in order to remain at Brill. "My father will never forgive me if I am dismissed," he said in a broken voice. "But supposing I had dismissed the Rovers and Stanley Browne?" asked the doctor severely. "Yes, yes, I know, sir!" wailed Flockley. "But, oh, sir, don't send me away!
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