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After that, it won't take us long." "Not long," the fat man answered uneasily. There was a silence. Slim broke it. "We got to do it, o' course." "Looks like. Got to make an example. No peace on the range till we do." "I hate like sin to, Budd. He's so damn game." "Me, too. But we got to. No two ways about it." "I reckon. Brill says so. But I wish the cuss had a chanct to fight for his life."

"What devilment you been leading paw into, Brill?" demanded Bess promptly when he appeared in the doorway. "Dan says it was close to three when you got home." She flung her challenge at the young man with a flash of smiling teeth. Bess was seventeen, a romp, very pretty, and hail-fellow-well-met with every range rider in a radius of thirty miles.

The Queen held out for giving only four thousand foot and four hundred horse, and for deducting the garrisons even from this slender force. As guarantee for the expense thus to be incurred, she required that Flushing and Brill should be placed in her hands. Moreover the position of Antwerp complicated the negotiation.

Nevertheless, though they did not know it, her mind was full of him who had not yet appeared. Why was he late? Could he have missed the way by any chance? And later as the hours passed without bringing him could anything have happened to him? More than once her troubled gaze fell upon Brill Healy with a brooding question in it.

"Ha! that shows what you think of your wife: I dare say if it was with any of your club friends any of your pot-house companions you'd have no objection to venison. I say if what do you mutter? "Very well. And now about the fish? What do you think of a nice turbot? No, Mr. Caudle, brill won't do it shall be turbot, or there sha'n't be any fish at all. Oh, what a mean man you are, Caudle!

"Felder has twisted his foot, and you will have to take his place in left field," "Am I to bat in his place?" questioned the youngest Rover. "Yes." "All right. I'll do the best I can." There was silence around the grounds when the Brill team came to the bat. With the score 5 to 2 in favor of Roxley, it looked rather dubious for the visitors.

That gives us most three hours to reach the Pass and stop them. What think, Brill? Can we make it?" "We'll try damned hard. I'm not going to let Mr. Rustler Keller slip through my fingers again!" Healy cried triumphantly. "I don't believe it was Bear Creek men at all. I'm sure it wasn't Mr. Keller," Phyllis cried, with a face like parchment.

When you pull, get a bullet into his stomach at the start, if you possibly can, to spoil his aim. We mustn't make the mistake of underestimating him. Rebstock is right: he is a fright with a revolver, and Sinclair and Seagrue are the only men in the mountains that can handle a rifle with him. Now we split here; and good luck!" "Don't you want to take Brill Young with you?"

You see, Brill, you and I are the only eligibles in the place, and now you are out of it, she's sure to take me sooner or later." "And pray how long am I to wait?" demanded the Major, controlling himself with difficulty. "I can't say," said Halibut; "but I don't think it's any good your waiting at all, because if I see any signs that Mrs.

The word spectacles, in Flemish, as well as the name of the suddenly surprised city, being Brill, this allusion to the Duke's loss and implied purblindness was not destitute of ingenuity.