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"Impossible, sir impossible," said Mannering, making his escape from him. "Pro-di-gi-ous!" again exclaimed Sampson, following to the head of the, stairs, still holding out the purse. "But as touching this coined money " Mannering escaped downstairs as fast as possible. "Pro-di-gi-ous!" exclaimed Dominie Sampson, yet the third time, now standing at the front door. "But as touching this specie "

Bertram, Mannering had set out upon a short tour, proposing to return to the neighbourhood of Ellangowan before the sale of that property should take place.

Well, Eleanor, you are a nice hostess," he added, turning to his wife. "Give Mr. Mannering some tea at once, and feed him up with hot cakes. Come into the billiard-room afterwards, Mannering, will you? I've got a new table in the winter-garden, and we're going to have a pool before dinner." Berenice came in and laid her hand upon her host's arm. "You need not worry about Mr.

Mannering, mother?" she asked, quietly. "About Mr. Mannering!" Mrs. Phillimore repeated, with raised eyebrows. "Why, he scarcely ever mentions his name." She took up a small mirror from the table by her side, and critically touched her hair. "About Mr. Mannering, indeed," she repeated. "Why do you ask me such a question?" The girl hesitated. "Do you really want to know, mother?" she asked.

An hour later the hall was deserted, except for Elizabeth, who, after seeing Pamela to bed, came down to write some household letters by the only fire. Presently the surgeon who was sitting up with Desmond appeared, looking worried. His countenance brightened at sight of Elizabeth, with whom he had already had much practical consultation. 'Could you persuade Mr. Mannering to go to bed?

In spite of his oddities, Mr. Mannering is a most stimulating critic and companion. My work is interesting, and I find myself steeped once more in the most fascinating, the most wonderful of all literatures! What remains unsatisfied in me is the passion which you know I have always had for setting things straight organizing, tidying up!

"Then I will try the Duchess!" He started very slightly, but she saw it. "Sit down for a moment, Mrs. Mannering," he said. She accepted the chair he placed for her. There was a distinct change in his manner. He realized that this woman held a trump card against him. Even in her hands it might mean disaster. "Blanche " he began. "Thank you," she interrupted, "I prefer 'Mrs. Mannering."

Nothing further is recorded of him for some time, excepting an observation that the ducks were roasted to a single turn, and that Mrs. Allan's sauce of claret, lemon, and cayenne was beyond praise. 'I see, said Miss Mannering, 'I have a formidable rival in Mr. Pleydell's favour, even on the very first night of his avowed admiration.

Mr. a a the gentleman will surely take something after his ride. Mannering was unspeakably affected by the contrast which his recollection made between this reception and that with which he had been greeted by the same individual when they last met. He could not restrain his tears, and his evident emotion at once attained him the confidence of the friendless young lady.

"She saw a telegram on Sir Leslie's table at breakfast, a telegram from the man Polden. She read it and demanded an explanation. Sir Leslie tried all he could to wriggle out of it, but in vain. She appealed to me. Even I had a great deal of difficulty in dealing with him, but eventually he gave way." "Then the telegram," Mannering asked, "wasn't that from you?" She shook her head.