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Updated: August 28, 2024

"W'y," he bellowed, "you bloomin' loonatic, d'ye think you can sye that to Bill Stryker on 'is own wessel!" He hesitated a moment, then launched a heavy fist at Kirkwood's face. Unsurprised, the young man side-stepped, caught the hard, bony wrist as the captain lurched by, following his wasted blow, and with a dexterous twist laid him flat on his back, with a sounding thump upon the deck.

The search-party couldn' understand at all what had happened in so short a time, too to make us so cordial; an' somehow we didn' explain neither we nor the blind men. I reckon the whole business had been so loonatic we felt it kind of holy. But the pore fellas kept wavin' back to us as they went out o' sight around the curve, an' maybe for a mile beyond. I never heard," Mr.

At sound of entering footsteps Steve sprang up, with an angry oath, and hastily closing the book threw it and the bangles into the chair from which he had risen, then crowded the shawl down upon them into as small a compass as possible. "His eyes blazed like lightnin', or sharper," said old Ben, "an' I declare t' ye I was skeered. Fur a minut I thought he was a loonatic, sure's death.

"'I'd be some slow about propoundin' sech surmises to Dave, says Boggs. 'He might get hostile; you can put a wager on it, he'd turn out disagree'ble to a degree, if he did. No, you-all has got to handle a loonatic with gloves. I knows a gent who entangles himse'f with a loonatic, askin' questions, an' he gets all shot up. "'I reckons, however, says Cherokee, 'that I'll assoome the resk.

They is children all their lives, mebby, till some one minute of craziness may strike one of them, and then he is a devil temporary. Mebby, when the crazy fit has passed, some white woman is worse off than if she was dead, or mebby she IS dead, or mebby a loonatic fur life, and that nigger is a candidate fur a lynching bee and ginerally elected by an anonymous majority.

"You seemed pretty keen abaht seein' 'im," he remarked conclusively. "I was." "Seems to me I did 'ear the nyme sumw'eres afore." The captain appeared to wrestle with an obdurate memory. "Ow!" he triumphed. "I know. 'E was a chap up Manchester wye. Keeper in a loonatic asylum, 'e was. 'That yer party?" "No," said Kirkwood wearily. "I didn't know but mebbe 'twas. Excuse me.

"I do." "And I’m tellin’ you that I get mine same as any one who ain’t a loonatic. Get that?" "Certainly." "All right. Now I know you ain’t no nut. Which means that you get yours, whatever you call it. And now will you talk business?" "What business do you want to talk, Duck?" I added; "I should say that you already have your hands rather full of business and Lebel rifles " "Aw’ Gawd; this?

Stryker gathered the imputation into his paw and flung it disdainfully to the four winds of Heaven. "Bless yer 'art, you're welcome; I wouldn't let no dorg drownd, 'f I could 'elp it. No," he declared, "nor a loonatic, neither." He thrust his plate away and shifted sidewise in his chair.

"He's a-using his whip, he is, to rights," said the ostler boy. "Hullo!" said poor old Tommy Byles; "here's another bloomin' loonatic. Blowed if there aint." "It's old George," said old Tootles, "and he's drivin' a loonatic, as you say. Aint he a-clawin' out of the keb? Wonder if he's after 'Arry 'Icks?" The group round the cabmen's shelter became animated. Chorus: "Go it, George!" "It's a race."

"I suspected he was crazy," he replied, "and that's why I didn't hurt him. But if he's crazy he's the most deliberate loonatic I ever run acrost." The superintendent had just wired instructions to put the outlaw in jail when Mr.

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