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Updated: August 19, 2024

The sense of possession was a strong trait in him, and this was his well on his homestead. He always felt the same pleasant glow of ownership when he looked at his cabin and his fence, even at his dry cow and his locoed horses, and once he had a well with a curb over it! Wallie always expanded his chest a little as he thought of it.

"Huh?" demanded the man. "Alfy Dupoy? Who's that? Her feller?" "Oh, dear me, no!" gasped Helen. "His name is Henri Marchand. I shall have to tell her that." "Needn't mind," returned the man. "I can't be blamed for misunderstanding half what you Easterners say. You got me locoed right from the start."

'An' as you urges, it don't mean nothin'. Folks on the brink of bein' married that a-way gets so joyfully bewildered it comes mighty near the same as bein' locoed.

"It was moisting when we started, and pretty soon it clouded up and the dark came on, and I felt beat. We got fair locoed. We'd go down one road and then back the same way. We stopped to ask everybody. Then we found the two autos sent out by the police. I told the cops again what would happen to 'em from me the minute the kids was found the kids or their bodies.

"An', son, while said riotous prophecies of Boggs don't impress me a little bit, I'm bound to admit that the second night followin' the heegira of this yere Ryder, an' his advent that a-way into Red Dog, a outcast from the Floridas, who goes locoed as the frootes of a week of Red Dog gayety, sets fire to the sityooation while shootin' out the dance-hall lamps, an' burns up half Red Dog, with the dance hall an' the only two s'loons in the outfit; tharby incloodin' every drop of whiskey in the holycaust.

He sure is a ghost or else he’s a nut or an old timer gone locoed. He sends the chills down my backbone every time i sots my eyes on him. Your obedients sarvent, BIG PETE. There was something about that crude letter that stirred me deeply. Could this strange freak that Big Pete saw from the top of the painted Butte possess that Patrick Mullen rifle?

"I dunno what you're thinkin', stranger. Which I'm kind of deaf an' I don't understand the way anything talks except money." "Corral that talk, Morgan!" called a voice from the crowd, "you're plumb locoed if you think any man in the world can get away with a stunt like that! Pick four in the air!"

Burley had appropriated the considerable amount of gold, which he said could be identified by cattlemen who had bought the stolen cattle. When opportunity afforded Burley took advantage of it to speak to Wade when the others were out of earshot. "Thar was another man in thet cabin when the fight come off," announced the sheriff. "An' he come up hyar with you." "Jim, you're locoed," replied Wade.

Two days later she raises the tariff to fifty cents on shirts, instead of twenty-five, as previous with the Chink. But no one renigs. "'A gent, says Doc Peets, 'as holds that a Caucasian woman is goin' to wash a shirt for the miserable stipend of a slave of the Orient must be plumb locoed. Wolfville pays fifty cents for shirts an' is proud tharof.

"Not a finger." "Perhaps you'd give me up now if you had a chance?" "I would if I did what was right." "And you'd sure want to do what was right," he snarled. "Take down your arm," she ordered again, a dangerous glitter in her eyes. He thrust his evil face close to hers and showed his teeth in a blind rage that forgot everything else. "Listen here, you little locoed baby.

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