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"He took a lep on the car," said Doyle, "the same as it might be a man that was in a mighty hurry to be off, and says he to the driver, 'Is there a place here called Ballymoy House? 'There is, of course, said Patsy Flaherty, for it was him that was driving the car." "Ballymoy House!" said Meldon. "Nonsense. He couldn't have asked for Ballymoy House." "It's what he said.

Whiles she'll be sittin' hame, snug as a bug in a rug, waitin' fer callers, her ear cocked for the sound o' the knock on her door. Whiles the knock comes she'll lep' up and open, and that man's fortune is made frae that day forth. Ye maun e'en go seekin' opportunity yersel, if so be she's slow in coming to ye. It's so at any rate, I've always felt.

Tycho resumes his Astronomical Observations Is attacked with a Painful Disease His Sufferings and Death in 1601 His Funeral His Temper His Turn for Satire and Raillery His Piety Account of his Astronomical Discoveries His Love of Astrology and Alchymy Observations on the Character of the Alchymists Tycho's Elixir His Fondness for the Marvellous His Automata and Invisible Bells Account of the Idiot, called Lep, whom he kept as a Prophet History of Tycho's Instruments His great Brass Globe preserved at Copenhagen Present state of the Island of Huen.

They are the following: Anthidium septemdentatum, LATR., A. bellicosum, LEP., A. quadrilobum, LEP., and A. Latreillii, LEP. The first two make their nests in deserted Snail-shells; the other two shelter their groups of cells sometimes in the ground, sometimes under a large stone. We will first discuss the inhabitants of the Snail-shell.

"I'd lep down there and fetch him up aisy enough; on'y there was no mortial use goin' after the cow, for niver a crathur that took its stand on four hoofs 'ud git its own len'th up the cliff, unless it might be some little divil of a goat. And the wather's dhrowndin'-deep alongside it afore now."

"It's an albicore takin' a buck lep. Hundreds I've seen before this; he's bein' chased." "What's chasing him, Paddy?" "What's chasin' him? why, what else but the gibly-gobly ums!" Before Dick could enquire as to the personal appearance and habits of the latter, a shoal of silver arrow heads passed the boat and flittered into the water with a hissing sound. "Thim's flyin' fish.

In the temper he was in at the time he wouldn't have said a civil word if you'd set him down on cushions stuffed full of golden sovereigns. He just took a lep on to the car I was watching him from round the corner of the yard gate to see how he would conduct himself and " "Wait a minute," said Meldon. "Had he his luggage with him?" "He had not." "Well then he can't have been going to the train."

If, on leaving home, he met with an old woman or a hare, he returned immediately to his house: But the most extraordinary of all his peculiarities remains to be noticed. When he lived at Uraniburg he maintained an idiot of the name of Lep, who lay at his feet whenever he sat down to dinner, and whom he fed with his own hand.

But whin ye come to castin' aspersions on th' ar'rmy, be hivens, ye'll find that I can put me thumb on this showcase an' go over at wan lep." "I didn't say annything," said Mr. Hennessy. "I didn't know about Terry." "Iv coorse, ye didn't," said Mr. Dooley.

Persuaded that his mind, when moved, was capable of foretelling future events, Tycho carefully marked every thing he said. Lest it should be supposed that this was done to no purpose, Longomontanus relates that when any person in the island was sick, Lep never, when interrogated, failed to predict whether the patient would live or die.