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'Oh, blessed hour! says Molly, 'here's my father. 'I'll spake to him this minute, says Bill. 'Oh, not for the world, says she; 'he's singin' the "Colleen Rue," says she, 'and no one dar raison with him, says she. 'An' where 'll I go, thin? says he, 'for they're into the haggard an top iv us, says he, 'an' they'll see me iv I lep through the hedge, says he.

Such, to my knowledge, are the Philanthus coronatus, Fabr., which stores its burrows with the large Halictus; the Philanthus raptor, Lep., which chases all the smaller Halictus indifferently, being itself a small insect; the Cerceris ornata, Fabr., which also kills Halictus; and the Polaris flavipes, Fabr., which by a strange eclecticism fills its cells with specimens of most of the Hymenoptera which are not beyond its powers.

"And bedad at that hearin'," reports of the occurrence used to proceed from this point, "the lep he gathered himself up wid, and the rate he legged it off musha, he was over the hill while we were pickin' up his things for him. And as for th' ould cat that he tripped over, it rowled three perch of ground before it got a hould of its four feet."

"Do you know anything about Lep lep-e-e-top-dera?" she asked, with a charming and social smile. He looked frankly puzzled. "Moths and butterflies," she added, in explanation to that questioning expression. "No, I bite. What about 'em?" "I thought they would be nice for us to talk about. I read about them in the Encyclopedia so I could.

"I was walkin' in my sleep as nice as you please when those rummies lep' on me. Say! You know that's dangerous; you can kill a guy wakin' him up so sudden." "There's easier ways than that," spoke Willie from the gloom. "It's a yap trick just the same. I was in the middle of a swell dream, too." "Come, come, Stover, get your boys back to bed! We'll have the whole ranch up with this noise."

The Masters, hunting men, hunting ladies, and horses of the East Galway and Blazers think nothing of "throwing a lep" over a cope and dash of this kind. He also tells me that although there is wire in East Galway, it is used only for fencing-in large spaces of ground, and as it stands out alone by itself, it is no source of danger to horse or rider.

Didn't I nearly lep out o' the windy to come to ye? Sure, me grandfather had me locked in!" "Oh that, indeed!" said Mike, his face brightening for a moment, but immediately clouding over again, "but a man told me that same night, that he h'ard ye sayin' ye'd never spake to me agin nor so much as look at me."

"'You don't mean to say, young woman, seshe, 'that you're not going to Lady Hangelina: what's her dear boy to do? who's to nuss it? Jeames and I lep into a one oss weakle, and told the driver to go like mad back to Gloster. "I can't describe my pore gals hagny juring our ride. She sat in the carridge as silent as a milestone, and as madd as a march Air.

But Ned Dermody shouted out hoarsely and loud: "Be the Lord it's himself," and, as Dan afterwards used to tell, "took a flyin' lep at him, as if he'd a mind to ha' lep over the world." "Musha now, and is it there you would be sittin' to catch your death of could?" he began, in a tone of gleeful reproach, shaking the old man by the shoulder.

"I was in 'orspital three months.... Howsomever, it come out in the wash next year." "That was Cannibal's year, wasn't it?" asked Silver. "Ah!" said Monkey. "Cannibal! his name and his nature, too. He was a man-eater, that 'orse was. Look like a camel and lep like a h'earthquake. It was just the very reverse that year. Chukkers was on Jezebel, Chukkers was.