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Pretty soon our captain, Jess," she may have given a slight shudder, I wasn't sure "came up and verified my father's suspicions, and then I thought he surely would lose his mind. I was already becoming frightened, especially as the creature, Jess, impertinently leered at me, and my father didn't knock him down for it.

Simmons stretched his neck and leered at me with an evil grin. "You're the fine little crook, all right enough," he remarked. "They was sayin' over at Jefferson that you was a Sunday-school sup'rintendent, or somethin' o' that sort. Them kind is always the flyest." It struck me suddenly that he was taking his defeat pretty easily, but there was no time for a nice weighing of other men's motives.

The ex-diva was certainly canaille, but her paw was open and ready, whereas this woman's palm, while quite as itching, was delicately withheld. Their gods were identical. It was the shrines that differed. The one at which the Tamburini presided was plain as a pikestaff. The Austen's was bedecked like a girl on her wedding-day. Behind each Priapus leered. Above both was the shining face of Mammon.

When she reopened her eyes after an age of suspense she saw him leaning against the tree, his body shaking with sobs. A second glance and she started to her feet alarmed. His broad back was covered with blood. Near his left shoulder the clothing was torn and an ugly, gaping wound leered at her. "Oh," she gasped; "you you are hurt!" "Hurt!" he groaned. "They have killed me!

"Gabriel Grub! Gabriel Grub!" exclaimed the wild voices again. 'The goblin leered maliciously at the terrified sexton, and then raising his voice, exclaimed "And who, then, is our fair and lawful prize?"

Count Albert, who had stood silent and gloomy, watching the dance of the damned, turned to Rupert, and for the first time spoke. "We are ready for you now; dance!" A prancing horror, dead some dozen years, perhaps, flaunted from the rushing river of the dead, and leered at Rupert with eyeless skull. "Dance!" Rupert stood frozen, motionless. "Dance!" His hard lips moved.

Some of these brazen creatures who leered at me had known how long ago! a peaceful home and a mother's love; had been lured in their innocence to this place of horrors, never to leave it until death mercifully overtakes them. Others, having fallen, had been driven hither by a cruel world that shelters all save the helpless, that forgives all save the truly penitent. I shuddered as I thought of Mr.

The broken walls from which the plaster hung in shreds leered at them. Suddenly Bobby turned, grasping the doctor's arm. "Did you hear anything?" The doctor shook his head. "Or feel anything?" "No." "I thought," Bobby said excitedly, "that there was some one in the hall. I I simply got that impression, for I saw nothing myself. My back was turned." Paredes strolled silently in.

I guess you forget what they did to Collie." Billy Dime leered. The fever from his wound was working through his blood. "Don't pertend to me, Bud Light, that you come on this little pasear on account of Collie. It was her eyes that said to go. You know that. She never said words, but her eyes said to go and to kill! Do you get that? That's what a woman can do to a man, without sayin' a word.

"By the bye," he continued, pouring out his chocolate into the dish, "I sent a damned rake of a parson out there some years gone. Handsome devil, too. Never seen his match with the women, egad. 'Od's fish " he leered. And then added with an oath and a nod and a vile remark: "Married three times to my knowledge. Carried off dozen or so more. Some of 'em for me. Many a good night I've had with him.