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Such an opinion from such a man on such a subject would be quite a compliment. And I feel it. But yet it troubles me. You know that greasy, Israelitish smile of his, Lady Eustace." Lizzie nodded her head and tried to smile. "When I asked him yesterday about the diamonds, he leered at me and rubbed his hands. 'It's a pretty little game; ain't it, Lord George? he said.

Later a gibbous moon leered through the flying wrack, checkering the sea with a restless pattern of black and silver.

He utterly refused to take her home. As the night wore on he became more and more offensive; he grew coarse in a sly, tentative manner, as if feeling his ground. He changed the manner of his dancing, also, until Lorelei could no longer tolerate him. "Getting tired, my dear?" he queried, when she declined to join the whirling throng. "Yes. I want to go." "All right." He leered at her and nodded.

As he approached the seats occupied by Kirkwood and Dorothy Calendar, his eyes encountered the young man's, and he leered evilly. Kirkwood met the look with one that was like a kick, and the fellow passed with some haste into the car behind. "Who was that?" demanded the girl, without moving her head. "How did you know?" he asked, astonished. "You didn't look "

Here she leered at him, and he began to hate her. "You oughtn't to want a third of my income, you know. But you're to be lord and master, and you must have your own way. All that's settled." "There is Miss Tickle," he said, in a voice that was almost cadaverous. "Miss Tickle is of course to come. You said that from the very first moment when you made the offer." "Never!"

But the baboons leered fiercely at the Yozis and would have none of them for gods. One said that prayers hindered the eating of nuts.

The big, pale moon had made her do it. The horrible dancing figures on the carved screen had leered at her and she hadn't minded. She remembered too how, whenever they were at the seaside, she had gone off by herself and got as close to the sea as she could, and sung something, something she had made up, while she gazed all over that restless water.

They were certain to be at home; she had but a few moments previously observed that the shutters were open in the Rue Vineuse. They had formerly had such regard for madame that surely they would be delighted to receive her with open arms! The old hag leered at Monsieur Rambaud as she thus mumbled away. He listened to her with the composure of a brave man.

As I passed I had glimpses within of pale babies gasping out their lives amid sultry stenches, of hopeless-faced women deformed by hardship, retaining of womanhood no trait save weakness, while from the windows leered girls with brows of brass.

Had Tom Reade received the blow he would have gone to the ground. But the young engineer's athletic training stood by him. He slid out, easily and gracefully, but was compelled to wheel and face his assailant. "Don't," urged Tom. "It's too hot." "I'm hot myself," leered the stranger, dancing nearer. "You look it," Tom admitted. "If you don't stop dancing, you'll soon be hotter.