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I'd be so much obliged if you would go down to Chantilly at the end of the week and see how that new josser's getting on. You might drop me a line if everything doesn't seem all right." Vanderlyn murmured a word of assent. This, then, was the reason why Pargeter had come to L'Union that night, simply in order to ask Vanderlyn to keep an eye on his new trainer!

Take one cuirass, and I will take another; I give you my gloves and the rest of my armor for nothing. Come on, and Vive l'Union!" "You accompany me?" "I will help you to carry these cuirasses which are to conquer the Philistines. Go on, I follow." A spark of suspicion lingered in the soul of the lieutenant, but he thought; "If he wished me ill, he would not have acknowledged he knew me.

That was the good of being married; that there was some one to share the bad times with, as well as the good. 'But perhaps, she inquired briskly, 'you don't believe in being married? You are for l'union libre? She spoke like one touching on a long familiar question as much a question indeed of daily life and of her class as those other matters of wages and food she had been discussing.

A slow and painful red mounted into the Englishman's cheek. 'I don't know, he said stupidly. 'And you? 'No, no! she said emphatically, twice, nodding her head. 'Oh, I was brought up that way. My father was a Red an Anarchist a great man among them; he died last year. He said that liberty was everything. It made him mad when any of his friends accepted l'union legale for him it was a treason.

'L'Union fait la Force' is the motto of modern Belgium, but in the Middle Ages there was no powerful central authority round which the communes rallied. Hence the spectacle of Ghent helping an English army to storm the ramparts of Ypres, or of the Guildsmen of Bruges girding on their swords to strike a blow for Count Louis of Maele against the White Hoods who marched from Ghent.

Member of Water-Color Club, Baltimore; Charcoal Club, Baltimore; L'Union des Femmes Peintres et Sculpteurs de France. Born at Williamsport, Pennsylvania. Pupil of Pennsylvania Academy a few months; in Paris, of Bouguereau, Robert-Fleury, and Jules Lefebvre.

Madame Waddington, who is in excellent health and spirits, told me that the feeling was so strong against the Austro-Hungarian Ambassador, Count Szecsen de Temerin, during the last few days of his stay here after hostilities had begun with Germany, that one evening, as he was about to sit down to dinner with his fellow diplomatist, M. Alexandre Lahovary, the Roumanian Minister, at the Cercle de l'Union, which is one of the most select and restricted clubs of Paris, the secretary of the club requested M. Lahovary to announce to the Austrian Ambassador that the committee of the club expressed the wish that he should no longer take his meals at the club nor appear on the premises, because his presence under prevailing political conditions rendered the Austrian Ambassador an "undesirable personage."

These new papers, painfully thought out and carefully set down in his room at the Hôtel de l'Union, he used as long before he read his daily chapter to the breakfast party at Herne Hill to read to Stillman: and he sent them to the Cornhill Magazine, started the year before by Smith and Elder. Ruskin had already contributed to it a paper on "Sir Joshua and Holbein," a stray chapter from Vol.

Lorraine is ardently Catholic, as we all know, and her old Catholic families are not the natural friends of the Republican régime. But President Poincaré's happy phrase, l'union sacrée describing the fusion of all parties, classes, and creeds in the war service of France, has nowhere found a stronger echo than in Lorraine.

Now they enlist only for a year; they carefully keep tallies, and after the tenth monthly cut they begin to apply for leave. Thus the men's services are lost just as they are becoming valuable. It is the same with the Accra-men. When the mines learn the simple lesson l'union fait la force they will combine not to engage Krumen for less than two years.