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So Confederation came to satisfy George Brown, because in the Dominion Assembly his province would receive adequate representation to satisfy, on the other hand, a loyal Frenchman like Joseph Cauchon, because, as he said, "La confédération des deux Canadas, ou de toutes les provinces, en nous donnant une constitution locale, qui sauverait, cependant, les priviléges, les droits acquis et les institutions des minorités, nous offrirait certainement une mesure de protection, comme Catholiques et comme Français, autrement grand que l'Union actuelle, puisque de minorité nous deviendrons et resterons,

L'union sacrée to use the French phrase, so vivid and so true, by which our great Ally has charmed her own discords to rest in defence of the country became a reality here too, in spite of strikes, in spite of Ireland. By July 1915 the end of the first year of war more than 2,000,000 men had voluntarily enlisted. But the military chiefs knew well that it was but a half-way house.

On the contrary, her reasoned opinions so far as she had any were all in favour of l'union libre that curious type of association which held the artist Theodore Rousseau for life to the woman who passed as his wife, and which obtains to a remarkable extent, with all those accompaniments of permanence, fidelity, and mutual service, which are commonly held to belong only to l'union legale, in one or two strata of French society.

America Joins the Allies The British Effort Creating an Army L'Union Sacrée Registration Accommodation Clothing Arms and Equipment A Critical Time A Long-continued Strain Training O.T.C.'S Boy Officers The First Three Armies Our Wonderful Soldiers An Advanced Stage The Final Result Spectacle of the Present Snipers and Anti-snipers The Result. No. 4

'Marie-Louise n'est pas la femme de Napoleon; c'est la France que Napoleon a epousee; c'est la France qu'il aime, leur union enfante la perte de l'Europe; voila la divorce que je veux; voila l'union qu'il faut briser. "La voix des timides et des traitres protesta contre cette sentence. 'C'est abuser de droit de la victoire! C'est fouler aux pieds le vaincu!

They reached Lisieux at supper-time and slept there. The next day Mme. de Combray took two places under an assumed name, in the coach for Evreux, where they arrived in the evening. The fugitives had a refuge in the Rue de l'Union with an old Chouan named Vergne, who had been in orders before the Revolution, but had become a doctor since the pacification.

True, the millionaire-sportsman did not often darken the threshold of the stately old club-house, but he was none the less exceedingly proud of his membership of L'Union, for it gave him an added standing in the cosmopolitan world in which he had early elected to spend his life.

But to-night reason had very little to say to Laurence Vanderlyn, and his strongly drawn face set in hard lines as he sauntered through now fast thinning rooms, for the habitué of L'Union generally seeks his quiet home across the Seine about twelve.

A few moments later he was at the door of the club where he was sure of finding, even at this time of night, plenty of friends and acquaintances who would be able to testify, in the very unlikely event of its being desirable that they should do so, to the fact that he had been there that evening. L'Union is the most interesting, as it is in a certain sense the most exclusive, of Paris clubs.

Already by 1910 two tendencies are visibly distinct; but up to 1914, though there is divergence, there is, I think, no antipathy between them of antipathies between individuals I say nothing. Solidarity was imposed on the young generation by the virulent and not over scrupulous hostility of the old; it was l'union sacrée in face of the enemy.