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Adieu, ma chere enfante. This, then, will be feminine. I have had three letters from Natalie. All full of interest and amusement. Her remarks are equal to those of Lady Mary W. Montague for their truth and spirit, and far superior to any of our diplomatic communications. Yet Natalie will do it without injury and without suspicion. I have taught her to rely on herself, and I rely on her pride.

She is not of that cast, yet a preference to rank only is not very flattering to vanity; a remark which may remind you of "Le moi." Adieu, chere enfante. New-York, May 26, 1801. Another parlementaire is preparing in this port, and ma bonne amie and Natalie are again preparing to sail; but you may rest assured that they will not go.

"Another hundred thousand francs, please to remember. Besides, I could live with you in your rooms for a month, or even for two; or even for longer. But it would not take us more than two months to get through fifty thousand francs; for, look you, je suis bonne enfante, et tu verras des etoiles, you may be sure." "What? You mean to say that we should spend the whole in two months?" "Certainly.

Nevertheless, he brought the car to anchor without a second's hesitation, drawing up alongside the humiliated red giant. Amid the exclamations of Mrs. Kidder, and the suppressed chuckles of the enfante terrible, we two men got out, with beautiful expressions on our faces and dawning haloes round our heads, to help our hated rival. Did he thank us for not straining the quality of our mercy?

She is not of that cast, yet a preference to rank only is not very flattering to vanity; a remark which may remind you of "Le moi." Adieu, chere enfante. New-York, May 26, 1801. Another parlementaire is preparing in this port, and ma bonne amie and Natalie are again preparing to sail; but you may rest assured that they will not go.

"Mamma's new crown isn't painted on all her baggage yet," said Beechy, living up, with a wicked delight, to her rôle of enfante terrible. "It's being done, but it wasn't promised till the end of the week. Say, Sir Ralph, don't you think she's mean not to give me even so much as half a crown?"

'Marie-Louise n'est pas la femme de Napoleon; c'est la France que Napoleon a epousee; c'est la France qu'il aime, leur union enfante la perte de l'Europe; voila la divorce que je veux; voila l'union qu'il faut briser. "La voix des timides et des traitres protesta contre cette sentence. 'C'est abuser de droit de la victoire! C'est fouler aux pieds le vaincu!

Adieu, ma chere enfante. This, then, will be feminine. I have had three letters from Natalie. All full of interest and amusement. Her remarks are equal to those of Lady Mary W. Montague for their truth and spirit, and far superior to any of our diplomatic communications. Yet Natalie will do it without injury and without suspicion. I have taught her to rely on herself, and I rely on her pride.