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I learned many things in Croisilles, and the last of them is this strange one the old man taught me. I turned and shook hands with him and said good-bye, for I wished to see again our old front line that we used to hold over the hill, now empty, silent at last. "The Boche is defeated," I said. "Vaincu, vaincu," he repeated.

Chamilly turned to Chrysler as the school master ended, and said with a smile: "Do you not think there is enterprise in a people like this?" "Qu'il est triste d'etre vaincu! From Quinet who had been deliberately dealing with his dessert, now came words: "Mistaken impulses! Led after will o' the wisps by dreamers and designers!

To the philosopher's "J'ai vécu" he could oppose the crushing retort "J'ai vaincu." The general, on meeting the thinker at Gohier's house, studiously ignored him. In truth, he was at first disposed to oust both Sieyès and Barras from the Directory. The latter of these men was odious to him for reasons both private and public.

If Joseph de Maistre's axiom, Qui n'a pas vaincu a trente ans, ne vaincra jamais, were true, there would be little hope of him, for he has won no battle yet. But there is something solid and doughty in the man, that can rise from defeat, the stuff of which victories are made in due time, when we are able to choose our position better, and the sun is at our back.

To the philosopher's "J'ai vécu" he could oppose the crushing retort "J'ai vaincu." The general, on meeting the thinker at Gohier's house, studiously ignored him. In truth, he was at first disposed to oust both Sieyès and Barras from the Directory. The latter of these men was odious to him for reasons both private and public.

A map lay stretched on the table before him; he took his compasses, and measuring distances on it with an idle hand, repeated the lines of one of his favourite poets: "J'ai servi, commandé, vaincu quarante années; Du monde, entre mes mains, j'ai vu les destinées; Et j'ai toujours connu qu'en chaque événement Le destin des états dépendait d'un moment."

Je suis vaincu; Pompee a saisi l'avantage D'une nuit qui laissait peu de place au courage; Mes soldats presque nus, dans"... Message done with, the King said, in a smiling tone, "Daun has played me a slippery trick to-day!" "I have seen it," answered Retzow; "but it is only a scratch, which your Majesty will soon manage to heal again." "GLAUBT ER DIES, Do you think so?"

EDMUND ABOUT picturesquely said, "Il s'est fait naturaliser vaincu." BISMARCK has told me that the Emperor WILLIAM, then at Versailles, in the first flush of triumph at touch on his brow of the Imperial diadem, hearing of the event through the capturing of a balloon despatched with the news to dolorous Paris, passed a sleepless night. "I fear me" he said, "all will now be lost."

"J'ai servi, commandé, vaincu quarante années; Du monde entre mes mains j'ai tu les destinées, Et j'ai toujours connu qu'en chaque événement Le destin des états dépendait d'un moment." But he had hours, we might say days, to settle his destiny, and was not tied down to a moment.

'Marie-Louise n'est pas la femme de Napoleon; c'est la France que Napoleon a epousee; c'est la France qu'il aime, leur union enfante la perte de l'Europe; voila la divorce que je veux; voila l'union qu'il faut briser. "La voix des timides et des traitres protesta contre cette sentence. 'C'est abuser de droit de la victoire! C'est fouler aux pieds le vaincu!