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'Marie-Louise n'est pas la femme de Napoleon; c'est la France que Napoleon a epousee; c'est la France qu'il aime, leur union enfante la perte de l'Europe; voila la divorce que je veux; voila l'union qu'il faut briser. "La voix des timides et des traitres protesta contre cette sentence. 'C'est abuser de droit de la victoire! C'est fouler aux pieds le vaincu!

It seemed as if nothing now could save Deroulede and Juliette from an immediate and horrible death. "A mort! A mort! A la lanterne les traitres!" Santerne himself, who had shouted himself hoarse, was at a loss what to do.

Apropos of this second act, it is not, perhaps, generally known that the author had no idea of ending it with a prayer. Insurrections are not usually begun with so serious a song. But at the rehearsals the effect of the unison, Si parmi nous il est des Traîtres, was so great that they did not dare to go on beyond it.

I asked Little Fellow, pointing to the prisoners, as our crews exchanged rousing cheers with the Nor'-Westers now bound for Montreal. "Non, Monsieur! Not all bad men," and the Indian gave his shoulders an expressive shrug, "Les traitres anglais." To the French voyageur, English meant the Hudson's Bay people.

A motley throng they were, soaked through with the rain, drunk with their own baffled rage, and with the brandy which they had imbibed. Everyone was shouting; the women louder than the rest; one of them was dragging the length of rope, which might still be useful. "Ca ira! ca ira! A la lanterne! A la lanterne! les traitres!"

Cartier at once resigned, as I thought in too much haste. I met him as he walked away from the Parliament House in the afternoon, and expressed regret. He said, with set teeth, clenched fist, and sparkling eyes, "Ah! Well, I have saved the honour of my country against those 'Grits' and 'Rouges; traitres, traitres." Mr.

The Pesident wildly rang his bell, and his voice, quivering with excitement, was heard once or twice above the din. "Clear the court! Clear the court!" But the people refused to be cleared out of court. "A la lanterne les traitres! Mort a Deroulede. A la lanterne! l'aristo!" And in the thickest of the crowd, the broad shoulders and massive head of Citizen Lenoir towered above the others.