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"Il n'y a rien dans l'histoire du monde de comparable aux forces navales de l'Angleterre,

The course of instruction, as required by the society, embraced only reading, writing, and what was called ciphering, though I think improperly. The only books used were a spelling-book, l'Instruction de la Jeunesse, the Catholic New Testament, and l'Histoire de Canada. When these had been read through, in regular succession, the children were dismissed as having completed their education.

The literature of the village community is so vast that but a few works can be named. Those of Sir Henry Maine, Mr. For France, P. Viollet, Precis de l'histoire du droit francais. For Italy and Scandinavia, the chief works are named in Laveleye's Primitive Property, German version by K. Bucher.

This work is valuable for its excellent engravings, maps, plans, &c., but in other respects its value has fallen, in consequence of the following abridgment of it: 29. Abrégé de l'Histoire Générate des Voyages de Prevot. Par La Harpe. Paris, 1780-1786. 23 vols. 8vo. The last five volumes contain voyages and travels not given by Prevot.

'Memoires pour servir a l'Histoire du 17ieme Siecle', is a most useful book for you to recur to for all the facts and chronology of that country: it is in four volumes octavo, and very correct and exact. If I do not mistake, I have formerly recommended to you, 'Les Memoires du Cardinal de Retz'; however, if you have not yet read them, pray do, and with the attention which they deserve.

'Que les hommes prives, says that brilliant writer, speaking of Prince Charles, 'qui se croyent malheureux, jettent les yeux sur ce prince et ses ancetres. In another place he thus sums up the sad story of the family in general: II n'y a aucun exemple dans l'histoire d'une maison si longtems infortunee.

Le devoir, le devouement, le sacrifice, toutes choses dont l'histoire est pleine, sont inexplicables sans Dieu. For all these we need help. Is it foolishness to pray for it? Perhaps so. Yet, perhaps not; for 'Tout est possible, meme Dieu. Whether possible, or impossible, this much is absolutely certain: man must and will have a religion as long as this world lasts. Let us not fear truth.

COUSIN, "Introduction Generale a l'Histoire de la Philosophie," I. 169: "Que toute pensée implique une foi spontanée

She had considerably improved her mind by study; she had not only read all the modern plays, operas, oratorios, poems, and romances in all which she was a critic; but had gone through Rapin's History of England, Eachard's Roman History, and many French Memoires pour servir a l'Histoire: to these she had added most of the political pamphlets and journals published within the last twenty years.

The literature of the subject is immense; but there is no work yet which treats of the medieval city as of a whole. For the French Communes, Augustin Thierry's Lettres and Considerations sur l'histoire de France still remain classical, and Luchaire's Communes francaises is an excellent addition on the same lines. For Russia, Byelaeff's, Kostomaroff's and Sergievich's works.