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It seems I had no "devouement," no "recueillement" in my character; no spirit of grace, faith, sacrifice, or self-abasement. Feeling the inutility of answering these charges, I mutely continued the correction of a pile of English exercises. "He could see in me nothing Christian: like many other Protestants, I revelled in the pride and self-will of paganism."

Apres des journees absorbees tout entieres par les devoirs que sa place lui impose, il reunit les pauvres, les ouvriers, leur donne des cours gratuits, et trouve encore le moyen de les amuser en les instruisant. Ce devouement te dira assez que M. Heger est profondement et ouvertement religieux.

Nor could it have been possible to convince half at least of the crowd, who assisted at the king's supper this night, that all the French national eagerness about the health, the looks, the words, of le roi, all the attachment, le devouement, professed habitually perhaps felt habitually for the reigning monarch, whoever or whatever he might be, by whatever name notre bon roi, or simply notre roi de France should in a few years pass away, and be no more seen.

Le devoir, le devouement, le sacrifice, toutes choses dont l'histoire est pleine, sont inexplicables sans Dieu. For all these we need help. Is it foolishness to pray for it? Perhaps so. Yet, perhaps not; for 'Tout est possible, meme Dieu. Whether possible, or impossible, this much is absolutely certain: man must and will have a religion as long as this world lasts. Let us not fear truth.

Hence there is in the latter case dévouement of self to something else, and it is exactly the dévouement to a something that is not self, but is regarded as good, that gets the name of virtue or moral good. Moral good is voluntary and intelligent obedience to the law that is the rule of our conduct.

The man swore in German under his breath. "Of a lightness always, Harietta! No devouement, no patriotism.... Should I have agreed to the divorce, loving your body as I do, had it not been a serious matter? The pig-dog who now owns you must be sucked dry of information and then I shall take you back again." A cunning look came into Madame Boleski's hazel eyes.

C'est Madame Catherine Reeb, personne d'un age mur, dont le mari avait ete instituteur, mais qui d'une nature mecontente et orgueilleuse, se croyait au-dessus de sa sphere, et faisait sentir a sa pauvre femme, qui l'aimait d'un devouement admirable, toutes les tortures que l'egoisme peut inventer.

The conduct of the bridegroom-elect should be marked by a gallant and affectionate assiduity towards his lady-love a dévouement easily felt and understood, but not so easy to define.