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Premier Livre de l'Histoire de la Navigation aux Indes Orientales, par les Hollandois. Amsterd, folio, 1558. Le Second Livre. Amsterd. 1609, folio. Relatio de Rebus in India Orientale, a Patribus. Soc. Jesu. 1598-1599, peractis, Mayence, 1601. 8vo. The preceding works give an interesting picture of the East Indies during the 16th century. Beschrievyng van oude niewe Ostinden. Von. F. Valyntyn.

Burnouff's Introduction a l'Histoire du Bouddhisme interested me most among my books, and I found material in it for a dramatic poem, which has stayed in my mind ever since, though only vaguely sketched. I may still perhaps work it out. I gave it the title of Die Sieger.

Histoire de Guillaume le Maréchal, published by P. Meyer for the Soc. de l'histoire de France. Petit-Dutaillis, Étude sur Louis VIII. , and G.J. Turner, Minority of Henry III., part i, in Transactions of the Royal Hist. Soc., new ser., viii. , 245-95, are the best modern commentaries on the history of the marshal's regency. William Marshal had recognized that the regency must end with him.

The first mention of the prisoner is to be found in the 'Memoires secrets pour servir a l'Histoire de Perse' in one 12mo volume, by an anonymous author, published by the 'Compagnie des Libraires Associes d'Amsterdam' in 1745.

"What studies," says he, "will the intending historian need to have gone through, what kinds of knowledge ought he to have acquired, in order to begin writing a work with any hope of success?" Before him, Mably, in his Traité de l'étude de l'histoire, had also recognised that "there are preparatory studies with which no historian can dispense."

Lisez l'histoire De la rue de Quincampoix. But the person who had gained most by this affair is Dantin, who is horridly avaricious.

The early history of the condom is briefly discussed by various writers, as by Proksch, Die Vorbauung der Venerischen Krankheiten, p. 48; Bloch, Sexual Life of Our Time, Chs. XV and XXVIII; Cabanès, Indiscretions de l'Histoire, p. 121, etc. The control of procreation by the prevention of conception has, we have seen, become a part of the morality of civilized peoples.

But in France, a physician, half English by blood though a Frenchman by home and language, Monsieur W. F. Edwards, brother to Monsieur Milne-Edwards, the well-known zoologist, published in 1839 a letter to Monsieur Amedee Thierry with this title: Des Caracteres Physiologiques des Races Humaines consideres dans leurs Rapports avec l'Histoire.

Comrades, what says the past, the past ten years, in whose events we have all so intimately mingled? Shall I tell you?" "Aye! 'L'Histoire de Dix Ans," said Flocon. "We are all sure of being immortal there, in that same book of yours! Eh! Louis?" cried Rollin, opening his large blue eyes.

L'Histoire de ma Fuite des Prisons de la Republique de Venise, qu'on appelle les Plombs', which is the first draft of the most famous part of the Memoirs, was published at Leipzig in 1788; and, having read it in the Marcian Library at Venice, I am not surprised to learn from this indignant document that it was printed 'under the care of a young Swiss, who had the talent to commit a hundred faults of orthography.