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"Look keerfully arter that baggage, Kernel," said the expressman, with affected concern, as he looked after Colonel Starbottle, gloomily bringing up the rear of the triumphant procession to the waiting-room. Mr. Hamlin did not stay for dinner. His horse was already saddled, and awaiting him.

Hit's jess a long step acrost hit. Take one step arter I say thet I'm acrost; the feel keerfully with yer left foot fur the aidge o' the break, an' then step out ez long ez ye kin with yer right. That'll bring ye over. Be shore o' yer feet, an ye'll be all right." Harry trembled more than at any time before. They were already on the path around the steep cliff. The darkness was inky.

"Ye don't seem to mind bein' shot at," she said, with an odd smile, "but it won't do for you to kalkilate that EVERYBODY shoots as keerfully as uncle Harry." "I don't understand," he replied, struck by her manner. "Ye ain't very complimentary, or you'd allow that other folks might be wantin' what you took just now, and might consider you was poachin'," she returned gravely.

But I must clean it up keerfully and burn it, that the birds mayn't git hold of it and give you the headache." The Deacon had his little superstitions, like a great many other hard-headed, sensible men. "Well, Mr. Klegg," said the Surgeon, when he made his next round, "I must congratulate you on your patients. Both show a remarkable improvement.

"You'd trust the job to me, if I could walk, wouldn't you, giner'l?" "Certainly; no other man would be half so good." "Well then, giner'l, lem me tell you, that Sam Hardwicke is Tandy Walker, spun harder an' finer, made out'n better wool, doubled an' twisted, and mighty keerfully waxed into the bargain. He's a smart one, if there ever was one.

His parents live near by, and I will simply state that 15 minits after I'd gone for him, his mother, seein the prostrate form of her son approachin the house on to a shutter carrid by four men, run out doors, keerfully looked him over, and sed, "My son, you've been foolin round a thrashin masheen.

To his olfactories it is the perfume of Araby. "Them fur-seals hev been up hyar," he says, glancing up the gorge. "They kin climb like cats, spite o' thar lubberly look, and they delight in baskin' on high ground. I've know'd 'em to go up a hill steeper an' higher 'n this. They've made it as smooth as ice, and we'll hev to hold on keerfully.

His parunts lived near by, and I will simply state 15 minits had only elapst after the first act when he was carried home on a shutter. His mama met the sollum procession at the door, and after keerfully looking her orfspring over, she said: "My son, I see how it is distinctually. You've been foolin' round a Trashin Masheen.

In this building they lighted a tallow dip and, throwing themselves down on some hay to rest and warm their bodies, they at once began talking of what was uppermost in their minds. "Now fellers," said Wiles, "let us go over keerfully what we uns war sayin' as we rode along.

"Why, sir," said Jupp, scratching his head reflectively he had left his cap under the elm-tree on top of the hill, where he had taken it off when he set about building the fire for the kettle "a mollycoddle is a sort of chap as always wraps hisself up keerfully for fear the wind should blow upon him and hurt his complexion."