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I have with me still the look of love they gave each other before Jamie crossed over to Jess. "Ye'll gang anower, noo, mother," Leeby said, meaning that it was Jess's bed-time. "No yet, Leeby," Jess answered, "I'll sit up till the readin's ower." "I think ye should gang, mother," Jamie said, "an' I'll come an' sit aside ye after ye're i' yer bed." "But ye'll gang suner to yer bed, mother."

For this length of time, I knew, he and Jess had been married. He repeated the words at intervals. "I mind " he began, and stopped. He was thinking of the spring-time of Jess's life.

"Don't you think that we had better sit together?" suggested John feebly. "It would be warmer, you see." "No, I don't," answered Jess snappishly. "I am very comfortable as I am." Unfortunately, however, this was not the exact truth, for already poor Jess's teeth were chattering with cold.

"Couldn't ye just knot hup them tails a bit, and mebbe braid that fly-away mane down along the crest? If I'm bordered to take my young ladies into the park or the city this hafternoon, I swear I'll hexpire of mortification with them 'orses." But this was too much for Jess. Dawson had at last touched the match, and he caught the full force of Jess's wrath: "Sp-sp-spire ob ob mortification!

Hendry there was no surprising, unless he was in the mood for it, and the coolness of him was one of Jess's grievances. Just two years earlier Jamie came north a week before his time, and his father saw him from the window. Instead of crying out in amazement or hacking his face, for he was shaving at the time. Henry calmly wiped his razor on the window-sill, and said "Ay, there's Jamie."

What do you say to a game of Authors?" "All right. Mr. Keeler isn't represented, so I guess I can stand it." Roy took the cards from the drawer of the bookcase and they began to play. But Jess's thoughts wandered and Roy was obliged to remind her to take her turn many times. Suddenly she held up a finger hushing him to silence. "Don't you hear something?" she asked in a tremulous whisper.

Jamie cared little to read books, but on the day following Jess's discovery, I found him on his knees in the attic, looking through mine. A little box, without a lid, held them all, but they seemed a great library to him. "There's readin' for a lifetime in them," he said. "I was juist takkin' a look through them."

It was fortunate that Peggy should have arrived at that opportune moment, for there is no telling what might have occurred: Jess's patience was at the snapping-point. But Peggy's talk with Nelly Bolivar had served to restore her mental equilibrium to a certain degree and her swift ride into Annapolis had completed the process.

"Ye canna gang the length o' the door, so ye would never be able to wear't." "Ay, weel," replied Jess, "I'll never hae the chance o' no bein' able to wear't, for, hooever muckle I wanted it, I couldna get it." Jess's infatuation had in time the effect of making Hendry uncomfortable. In the attic he delivered himself of such sentiments as these: "There's nae understandin' a woman.

Two minutes afterwards, John Niel, having heard the rumour of his own death on arrival at the camp, and greatly fearing lest it should have reached Jess's ears, cantered up hurriedly, and, dismounting as well as his wound would allow, limped up the garden path. "Great heavens, Captain Niel!" exclaimed Mrs. Neville, looking up; "why we thought that you were dead!"