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The only sounds heard were the noises made by the saws and hammers of the carpenters who were fixing the frieze rails and dado rails or repairing parts of the woodwork in some of the rooms. Crass placed himself in Rushton's way several times with the hope of being spoken to, but beyond curtly acknowledging the 'foreman's' servile 'Good hafternoon, sir, the master took no notice of him.

'Diggs will 'ave to ride 'im this hafternoon, and it'll bait the cap'n horful; for one of our 'orses come a fluke last hevenin'. I be sorry for Diggs! 'I'm sorry for the horse! George, go and ask the captain to send Diggs and his horse to me.

"He's a great big athlatic feller six foot i, with a pair of black whiskers like air-brushes with a look of a Colonel in the harmy a dangerous pawmpus-spoken raskle I warrunt you. I was coming ome from shuiting this hafternoon and passing through Lady Hangelina's flour-garding, who should I see in the summerouse, but Mary Hann pretending to em an ankyshr and Mr. Fitzwarren paying his cort to her?

It required several men to hitch up this frisky team, as a man had to hold on to each one of the horses by the bits, while they were stringing them out. The Englishmen came out from dinner, and were delighted to see the horses prancing and pawing as if anxious to start. "Ha! my deah fellah, now we will 'ave a fine ride this hafternoon," said one of them.

"Couldn't ye just knot hup them tails a bit, and mebbe braid that fly-away mane down along the crest? If I'm bordered to take my young ladies into the park or the city this hafternoon, I swear I'll hexpire of mortification with them 'orses." But this was too much for Jess. Dawson had at last touched the match, and he caught the full force of Jess's wrath: "Sp-sp-spire ob ob mortification!