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J'aurai des entretiens avec la mere, qui ne sont pas toujours composes avec du miel. "Helas! Rende mi figlia mia." Voila ou j'en reviens. Adieu. Ayez un peu de pitie de tous mes embarras, qui ne finissent pas.

A letter from General La Marmora: dated 'La Lanterna, 9 April, '49. Three o'clock. STATO MAGGIORE, QUARTIER GENERALE, della 6 Divisione, addi 1849. 'J'aurai des depeches tres importantes a vous communiquer. Si ce n'est pas une indiscretion je vous prierai de passer un moment ici d'autant plus que j'espere le Sindic de la ville voudra y venir aussi ainsi que je l'ai invite.

"Quand j'aurai de la peine aux Carmelites," says unhappy Louise, about to retire from these magnificent courtiers and their grand Galerie des Glaces, "je me souviendrai de ce que ces gens la m'ont fait souffrir!" A troop of Bossuets inveighing against the vanities of courts could not preach such an affecting sermon.

So we gave our letter to a friend, who was to give it to a friend who was to place it in her hands her abode being a mystery, and the name she used unknown. The next day came by the post this answer: "Madame, j'aurai l'honneur de vous recevoir Dimanche prochain, rue Racine, 3.

Then follows a minute description of his lodgings, of Kew itself the gardens, the river, the different boats upon it and he concludes: "Tiens, voila que je redeviens un peu gai, ce qui est bon signe; peut- etre, quand j'aurai recu une lettre de toi cela ira mieux. A few days later: "Je suis alle aujourd'hui au musee Britannique continuer mes etudes.

J'aurai eu ainsi l'occasion de dire a un homme de talent qu'il m'a fait gouter un vrai plaisir ... peut-etre est-ce une satisfaction pour un auteur. "Veuillez agreer, Monsieur, mes compliments bien sinceres pour votre 'fairness' a notre egard. "Yours truly." I also give a passage from one of Mr. Calderon's letters:

"I will forgive him." "Les âmes dont j'aurai besoin, Et les étoiles sont trop loin; Je mourral dans un coin." How Hugh shook off Lady Newhaven when she followed him out of the Palace he did not know. There had been some difficulty. She had spoken to him, had urged something upon him. But he had got rid of her somehow, and had found himself sitting in his bedroom at the Southminster Hotel.

"Is that English?" "No but I forget " "For which, mademoiselle, if you were a child I should certainly devise some slight punishment; at your age you must be two or three and twenty, I should think?" "Pas encore, monsieur en un mois j'aurai dix-neuf ans."

'J'aurai fini dans un petit moment, mon pere, said I, as I cut off another piece of cheese. By-the-bye, nobody should call a Trappist 'monsieur, because the monk has ceased to have even a name of his own other than his religious one, and has become a father or brother to everybody.