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"Er good mornin', ma'm." She put the pan on the table and giving him an unconscious grace bade him good morning. "Is mammy done ironin'?" she asked, speaking to Lou. "Yes'm, I reckon so." Then she added, speaking to Peters, "Is there anythin' else you wanted?" "Why, Lou," Margaret spoke up, "is that the way to talk?" "Yes'm, sometimes," and nodding at Peters she added: "And this is one of them."

Don't stan' there lookin' so wishful. Put the dog in the lean-to an' shut the door. There's a strong air comes through it an' I feel it, settin' still. Then you can tie my check apern over your white frock. Don't you never wear no other kind of clothes, Katy? 'Cause I don't know who'll do your washin' an' ironin', if you don't."

Wimmen have always had to take time by the forelock and do the most important things first, or she never would be done with her work. Before she tackled the ironin', or dishwashin', or piecin' up bedquilts, or knittin', she has always had to dress, and nurse, and take care of the children, make them comfortable, and take care of the sick; had to, or it wouldn't be done.

The two girls were convulsed, turning crimson with the effort to repress their giggles. Mrs Yabsley was annoyed, feeling that they were treating the matter as a farce. "I'm ashamed o' yer, Chook," she remarked severely. "Yer the two ends an' middle of a 'eathen. That's wot they call 'is surplus, an' I wish I 'ad the job of ironin' it."

How under the sun can I or any other woman be up on a pedestal and do our own housework, cookin', washin' dishes, sweepin', moppin', cleanin' lamps, blackin' stoves, washin', ironin', makin' beds, quiltin' bed quilts, gittin' three meals a day, day after day, biled dinners and bag puddin's and mince pies and things, to say nothin' of custard and pumpkin pies that will slop over on the level, do the best you can; how could you keep 'em inside the crust histin' yourself up and down?

He's got a woman that would take two coppers off the collection plate while she was purtendin' to put on one, if she could, and then spend them for a brass pin or a string of glass beads. Won't her eyes bung when I tell her about this? She wanted my Peter Hartman kiver for her ironin' board. Show me the rest!" "This is the dining-room," said the Girl, leading the way.

"She's allays suckin', sly-like, tryin' to purtend as it's water, as if the smell didn't give it away, whatever the color may be. An' here she is, idling as usual. An' may I arsk, Mrs. Purr ma'am," demanded Deborah with great politeness, "wot I pays you fur in the way of ironin'?" But Mrs. Purr was too excited to reply.

"The bigges' work I done I used to be terrible 'bout cookin', washin' and ironin', and field work. Ever'thing a man ever done I've done cut wood, cut down sprouts, barn brush I've done ever'thing. "Oh yes, I went to school a whole lot. Got so I could read. Used to write too, but all that done left me. "I'm gwine tell you the truth, lady. I don't know whether the folks is better off free or not.

"At evening, when the ironin' 's done, an' Aunty's fixed the fire, An' filled an' lit the lamp, an' trimmed the wick an' turned it higher, An' fetched the wood all in fer night, an' locked the kitchen door, An' stuffed the ole crack where the wind blows in up through the floor She sets the kittle on the coals, an' biles an' makes the tea, An' fries the liver an' the mush, an' cooks a egg fer me, An' sometimes when I cough so hard her elderberry wine Don't go so bad fer little boys with 'Curv'ture of the Spine'!"

"An' bein' ez I hev hed a hard day's ironin', I hev got a stitch in my side." "I'd onderstan' that better if ye hed hed a hard day's sewin'," said Justus. He was in high feather, eager, jubilant, drinking in all the rich and subtle flavors of success with the gusto of personal triumph. "He air prouder'n Wat," more than one observer opined.