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"Remember that yellow house where I went to git water?" Lou laughed, but there was a new note of shyness in her voice. "When we passed it first I saw that the currant bushes were just loaded down, an' a woman was out pickin' them, though it's ironin' day. I figgered if I pick for her she'd maybe pay me, an' she did. I I guessed you was out of this."

"Well, Mis' Deane, say 'ow ye will an' what ye will, there's a spider this very blessed instant a' crawlin' on the bottom of the ironin' blanket, which is a sure sign as 'ow yer washin' won't come to no good try iver so 'ard, for as we all knows 'See a spider at morn, An' ye'll wish ye wornt born: See a spider at night, An' yer wrongs'll come right!"

"I've got to iron my muslin sacque. I've got it all washed and starched." "Ironin' this time of day! I'd like to know what you've been doin' ever since you got up?" "I've been getting everything in order, in case anything happened," replied Amanda. She tried to speak with cool composure, but her voice trembled. Her dignity failed her in this unwonted excitement.

He walked in on me an' a two-weeks ironin' one mornin' with, 'Lemme present myself as Ebenezer Goodnight, sewin' needles, knittin' needles, crochet hooks an' shuttles an' anything o' that, an' down he set an' never opened his mouth about his needles again. Eb was real delicate, for an agent. He just talked all the time about Friendship an' himself.

"I seed Miss Margaret an' Miss Lou out yander jest now," Kintchin answered, backing off as Peters advanced toward him. "I didn't ask about them. Whew, what you got sich a hot fire in here for?" "Mammy's been ironin'." "Yes. Been a meltin iron I should think. Is Starbuck at home? Answer me, you scoundrel."

Most of 'em never stay to home unless they've got a derned good reason to, setch as sickness, or the washin' and ironin', or it's rainin' pitchforks. She's a mighty queer woman, Rachel Gwyn is. How air you an' her makin' out these days, Kenneth?" "Oh, fair to middlin'," replied the young man, dropping into the vernacular.

But just now when we was all out there, and 'Gene heaved up his axe and hit the first whack at it . . . well, I can't tell you . . . it give me a turn most as if he'd chopped right into me somewhere. I got up and come into the house, and I set to ironin', as fast as I could clip it, to keep my mind off'n it.

Drake said, eagerly, "anyways not with all that ironin' to do that's piled up like a haystack on the dinin'- room table, to say nothin' of the beds and bed-clothes to be sunned. You can keep your big secret as far as I'm concerned." "It's another Confederate Veteran excursion to some town whar whisky is sold," said the bachelor, with a dry cackle. "That's my guess.

"Ain't done nothin'," wailed Doff. "Sam, he give me de penny an' say, 'Le's hab fun. Den Ah puts de penny in de lil' hole an' den Mammy cotch me." "Doff seems to be the victim, Lucy," Val observed. "Where's Sam?" "Ah don' know. But I'se a-goin' to fin' out!" she stated with ominous determination. "How's Ah a-goin' to git mah ironin' done when dere ain't no heat fo' de iron? Ah asks yo' dat!"

On washin' days the woman of the house throws the dirty clothes and a piece of soap into a tub, and electricity heats the water, rubs and cleanses the clothes, shoves 'em along and rings 'em through an electric ringer, and dries 'em in a electric dryin' oven, and then irons 'em by an electric ironin' machine.