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Updated: August 27, 2024

An' it min'd me o' the day o' jeedgment. An' there I steid and luikit, till the licht itsel' deid oot, an' naething was left but a gray sky an' a feow starns intil't. An' the cloods gethered, an' the lift grew black an' mirk; an' the haill countryside vainished, till I kent no more aboot it than what my twa feet could answer for.

Cosmo, by gie ower muckle tether to wull thoucht, an' someday ye'll be laid i' the dub, followin' what has naither sense intil't, nor this warl's gude. What was ye thinkin' aboot the noo? Tell me that, an' Is' lat ye gang." "I was thinkin' aboot the burnie, gran'mamma." "It wad be tellin' ye to lat the burnie rin, an' stick to yer buik, laddie!"

Ye cud hae tellt by naething intil't what ever it was meant for, hoose or byre or barn, kirk or kirkyard. It had been jist a hidy-hole in troubled times, whan the cuintry wud be swarmin wi' stravaguin marauders! 'What made ye the seat for, Kirsty? asked Gordon, calling her by her name for the first time, and falling into the mother tongue with a flash of his old manner.

"Weel, laird I winna say FEART, for I never saw yer lairdship" she had got into the way of saying LORDSHIP, and now not unfrequently said LAIRDSHIP! "feart afore bull or bully, but I cud weel believe ye wadna willin'ly anger ane 'at the Lord lats gang up and doon upo' the earth, whan he wad be far better intil't, ristin' in 's grave till the resurrection only he was never ane o' the sancts!

"'Tis a little paradise!" exclaimed Kenneth McTavish, as he and Considine joined a knot of men on a knoll, whence they had a good view of the little farm. "It's an unco' rocky paradise," observed Sandy Black, "an' the angelic appendages o' wings wadna be unsuitable to its inhabitants, for it seems easier to flee oot o't ower the precipices than to scramble intil't ower the rocks an' rooten trees.

"The suitors had na your wit, my manny, or maybe they had na a penny to toss, sae ane chused the gowd, ane the siller; but they got an awfu' affront. The gold kist had just a skull intil't, and the siller a deed cuddy's head!" Chorus of Females. "He! he! he!" Ditto of Males. "Haw! haw! haw! haw! Ho!" Christie. "An' Porsha puttit the pair of gowks to the door.

"My dear," came the voice of the parson from where he sat listening to every word she uttered, "my dear, naething but the han' o' the Son o' Man'll come nigh ye oot o' the dark, saft-strokin yer hert, and closin up the terrible gash intil't.

For mysel', I s' bainish the thoucht o' the thing." "I thank ye, Cosmo. Ye wad aye du like the Lord himsel'. But there's mair intil't. I dinna ken what to du or say. It's a sair thing to stan' 'atween twa, an' no ken what to du ohn dune mischeef maybe wrang! There's something it 'maist seems to me ye hae a richt to ken, but I canna be sure; an yet "

I dinna like to hear ye speyk sae scornfulike o' the gude man that has the care o' oor sowls!" "It wad be mair to the purpose ye had the care o' his!" "Sae I hae: hasna ilkabody the care o' ilk ither's?" "Ay; but he preshumes upo' 't and ye dinna; there's the differ!" "It's sair wastit upo' him 'at caana see the thoucht intil't!"

I wuss wi' a' my hert I hadna latten ye til 'im! Ye hae ruined a'! 'Ye never loot me gang, Phemy! It was my business to gang. 'I see what's intil't! cried Phemy, bursting into tears. 'Ye tellt him hoo little ye thoucht o' me, and that gart him change his min'! 'Wud he be worth greitin about gien that war the case, Phemy? But ye ken it wasna that!

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