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Updated: August 8, 2024

Good night, Nal." She ran swiftly away, holding high her skirts on account of the sticker grass. Nal watched her retreating figure admiringly. "A good gait," he murmured critically, "no interferin' an' nothin' gummy about the pastern!" He then squatted down, cowboy fashion, upon his hams, and smoothing carefully a piece of level ground, began to what he called "figger."

An' jist think, gin it be fair for ae human being to influence anither a' 'at they can, and that's nae interferin' wi' their free wull it's impossible to measure what God cud do wi' his speerit winnin' at them frae a' sides, and able to put sic thouchts an' sic pictures into them as we canna think. It wad a' be true that he tellt them, and the trowth can never be a meddlin' wi' the free wull.

'I couldn't 'elp laughin' when I seen 'im go flyin' through the bloody door, said Bundy. 'You oughter 'ave more sense than to go interferin' like that, said Crass to Philpot. 'It was nothing to do with you. Philpot made no reply. He was standing with his back to the others, peeping out into the street over the top of the window casing. Then he opened the door and went out into the street.

"Surely you're not going to let Mr. Sutton have it for Dave Wheelock!" "Er Cynthy," said Jethro, slyly, "w-what'd you say to me once about interferin' with women's fixin's?" Cynthia saw the point. She perceived also that the mazes of politics were not to be understood by a young woman, of even by an old soldier. She laughed and seized Jethro's hands and pulled him from the bed.

Tell you what, chaps of the Bill stripe don't care overmuch to tackle the yaller braid."* * Characteristic trimming of cavalry jacket. "But what's this yer Congressman interferin' for, anyway?" "He's a rich Californian. Thinks he's got a 'call, I reckon, to look arter Injins, just as them Abolitionists looked arter slaves.

"Haines, I give you fair warnin'! For resistin' the law and interferin', I ask you, do you surrender?" "Who are you?" The big voice fairly swallowed the rather shrill tone of the sheriff. "I'm sheriff Pete Glass." "You lie. Whoever heard of a sheriff come sneakin' round like a coyote lookin' for dead meat?" Pete Glass grinned with rage.

"Surely you're not going to let Mr. Sutton have it for Dave Wheelock!" "Er Cynthy," said Jethro, slyly, "w-what'd you say to me once about interferin' with women's fixin's?" Cynthia saw the point. She perceived also that the mazes of politics were not to be understood by a young woman, of even by an old soldier. She laughed and seized Jethro's hands and pulled him from the bed.

"This interferin' bit av a Benira man," said Mulvaney, "did the thrick for us himself; for, on me sowl, we hadn't a notion av what was to come afther the next minut. He was shoppin' in the bazar on fut. Twas dhrawin' dusk thin, an' we stud watchin' the little man hoppin' in an' out av the shops, thryin' to injuce the naygurs to mallum his bat.

We allowed at first that it might be only a new style of his interferin', so we took no notice, except to pass a few remarks about listeners and that sort o' thing, and perhaps to bedevil the girls a little more than we'd hev done if we'd been alone. Well, they laughed, and we laughed and that was the end of it.

Perhaps he is around the farm somewhere." "No, he isn't!" insisted the farmer. "He's gone. What clothes he had he took with him. He's run away, and it's your fault, too. I put up that fence last night to pay you back for interferin', an' now I'm glad I did, for you're to blame for Will runnin' off." "I tell you that you are mistaken," went on Mr. Bobbsey.

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