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Updated: January 4, 2025
When Doctor Johnson was inquired of by a lady why he defined "pastern" in his Dictionary as the knee of a horse, he replied, "Ignorance, madam, pure ignorance;" and if Hawthorne had been asked a year afterwards why he went to Scotland in the summer of 1857, instead of to the Rhine and Switzerland, he might have given a similar excuse.
At this, Ja'afar and Masrur laughed, and the three, donning merchants' habits, went forth by a secret pastern and made their way through the city, in great glee, till they came to the Tigris, where they found the graybeard sitting and awaiting them.
Good night, Nal." She ran swiftly away, holding high her skirts on account of the sticker grass. Nal watched her retreating figure admiringly. "A good gait," he murmured critically, "no interferin' an' nothin' gummy about the pastern!" He then squatted down, cowboy fashion, upon his hams, and smoothing carefully a piece of level ground, began to what he called "figger."
Everything which has to do with increasing the strain upon tendons adds to the probability of their being over-taxed. Long, sloping, pastern bones; disproportionate development of parts, such as a heavy body and small, weak tendons and long hoofs, are the principal factors which usually predispose to tendinous sprains.
The "cannon bone" answers to the middle bone of the five metacarpal bones, which support the palm of the hand in ourselves. The "pastern," "coronary," and "coffin" bones of veterinarians answer to the joints of our middle fingers, while the hoof is simply a greatly enlarged and thickened nail.
Yet even then, when Patsy O'Connor's domestic goat had once tried to "sample" the lost Misery, he had retreated with the loss of three front teeth, and Thompson's mule came out of an encounter with that iron-headed prodigy with a sprained hind leg and a cut and swollen pastern.
This accident is annoying, and in case the horse is subject to it should be considered an unsoundness. The following treatment may be recommended: The luxation may be reduced in the large majority of cases by backing or turning the animal. If this does not reduce the displacement, a collar should be placed on the animal, and a hobble strap fastened to the pastern of the involved limb.
The heel of the horse is the part commonly known as the hock. The hinder cannon-bone answers to the middle metatarsal bone of the human foot, the pastern, coronary, and coffin bones, to the middle toe bones; the hind hoof to the nail, as in the fore-foot. And, as in the fore-foot, there are merely two splints to represent the second and the fourth toes.
Meanwhile others rolled a steer over as far as possible and began burrowing with their hands down alongside a fore and hind leg simultaneously until they could pass a small rope around the pastern above the cloof, or better yet through the cloven in the hoof, when the leg could be readily lifted by two men. We could not stop burrowing, however, for a moment, or the space would fill and solidify.
That is, in cases where the subject is simply "cock-ankled", where volar flexion of the pastern joint exists but the foot is kept flat on the ground, correction is possible without tenotomy. In such instances the foal must be treated early before the skin on the anterior pastern region has been badly damaged by knuckling over.
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