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In acute tendinitis, the subject while at rest, maintains the affected member in volar flexion because this position permits relaxation of the inhibitory apparatus, including the inflamed tendon.

If weight-bearing causes symptoms of pain, the affected member will invariably be favored and held in some one of a number of positions. The foot may contact the ground squarely and yet the leg may remain relaxed and free from pressure; volar flexion, in such cases, is indicative of inflammation of a part of the flexor apparatus.

Rupture of this tendon may occur during work on rough and uneven roads, particularly in range horses that are ridden over ground that is burrowed by gophers or prairie dogs; in such cases, horses are apt to suddenly and violently turn the foot in position of volar flexion, thereby causing undue strain to the digital extensor and its rupture sometimes follows.

This also, is a ginglymus joint, having but slight lateral motion, and that only when it is in a state of flexion. A rather broad articular surface from side to side exists here, lessening the strain on the collateral ligaments somewhat. Dorsal flexion is checked by the flexor tendons and dorsal ligaments. Volar flexion is restrained by the extensor tendons.

Una vez terminado el viaje es cuando comprendí que mi aprensión y mi temor carecían de fundamento, que no envolvía más riesgos el volar por los aires en un aeroplano como el correr a campo traviesa en un automovil y me hice cargo de las innumerables ventajas que se pueden sacar de este aparato, producto también de nuestros tiempos, destinado a revolucionar no sólo los medios de guerra sino también las artes de la paz.

There is a tendency for the subject to stumble and, of course, where the affection is bilateral, there is a stilted gait owing to shortened strides. At rest the lame animal usually points with the affected member. Pressure on the navicular bone is diminished and tension on the flexor tendon is relieved by even slight volar flexion.

Y que para corregir esos defectos e imperfecciones, no es lo más cuerdo mantener el sistema bajo el cual han crecido y prosperado, sino producir un cambio violento, un vuelco regenerador para que ella pudiera, como el ave que ensaya sus alas, volar a los altos espacios, abundantes de aire y luz, libre para derramar allí la graciosa esencia de su ser y ensayar los límites de sus facultades e instintos.

That is, in cases where the subject is simply "cock-ankled", where volar flexion of the pastern joint exists but the foot is kept flat on the ground, correction is possible without tenotomy. In such instances the foal must be treated early before the skin on the anterior pastern region has been badly damaged by knuckling over.

In other subjects, while able to stand and walk, great difficulty is experienced because of volar flexion of the phalanges. The more seriously affected animals are unable to stand and, in most instances, perish because of the effects of prolonged decubitus.

In all cases of acute tendinitis there is presented a characteristic attitude by the subject. Volar flexion in a sufficient degree to relax the inflamed structures is always evident. The foot may be rested on the toe or placed slightly in advance of the one supporting weight, but the fetlock is always thrown forward. More or less swelling of the inflamed tendons is present.