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Like all who had lived in Russia, he was a hard drinker and tipped down alcohol in alarming quantities. He was a strange mixture of the old world and the new. Took me to see the grave of Bajo Radovitch, who fell in 1876 after having cut off fifteen Turkish heads; admired the bloody feat, but blamed Germany for keeping up militarism.

Strange it is that to-night, from the great revelry at the Aldea Bajo, one might think they had just visited an English ship outside." A ship! a ship! of any sort. But how to get out of the Casa? Murder forbade me even as much as to look out of the windows. Was there a ship outside? Cesar was positive there was not not since I had arrived. Besides, the empty sea itself was unattainable, it seemed.

Even Lent is not so bad, for just before it comes the Carnival and the grotesque "Burial of the Sardine" by the gente bajo, and of the three great masked balls, one is given in mid-Lent, to prevent the Lenten ordeal being too trying, and Holy Thursday is always a fiesta and day of enjoyment.

For here are names carved on stone denoting that beneath lie buried those who helped make California history. Just at the side entrance of the church is a stone with this inscription to the first governor of California: "Aqui yacen los restos del Capitan Don Luis Antonio Argüello, Primer Gobernador del Alta California, Bajo el Gobierno Mejicano.

DOÑA MATILDE. Y esto de vivir tranquilos, Eduardo, esto de que nadie venga a desencantarnos con su odiosa presencia en uno de aquellos momentos deliciosos. DON EDUARDO. ¡Calla! ¿Llamaron? DOÑA MATILDE. Creo que . DON EDUARDO. Habla bajo. DOÑA MATILDE. Pero que.... DON EDUARDO. Más bajo. DOÑA MATILDE. ¿Quieres que abra?

As they passed out to sea with ever-increasing speed the forts on either side of the bay fired a farewell salute; and the spectacle of the sun sinking over Monte Bajo and the Centinela Alto, coupled with the lurid flashes of flame and clouds of white smoke from Forts San Antonio, Bueras, Valdivia, and the Citadel, constituted a picture the grandeur of which Jim never forgot.

DOÑA MATILDE. ¿Qué hará luego mi padre? BRUNO. ¿Qué? Encerrar a usted bajo llave si no desiste.... DOÑA MATILDE. ¡Encerrarme ... a !... Bruno, está visto ... me quieres precipitar ... pues bien ... lo lograrás ... ¿ves este papel?... BRUNO. ¿Y qué hay en ese cucurucho? DOÑA MATILDE. Píldoras. BRUNO. ¿De jalapa? DOÑA MATILDE. De rejalgar. BRUNO. ¡Jesús mil veces!

Bajo el Rey ninguno is their proverb, and its signification, that "beneath the King all are equal," is one that is shown daily in a hundred ways.

Foh days befur weuns would git redy ter go in a wagon and as dar was a heap of chilluns it tuk quite a time an weuns would start by day break and dem wen we got dar why all de rest of the daughters en sons of dar chilluns was alredy that, den weun's hev a big time wid watermullins and ebything good to eat. Some times Uncle Ben brot hid bajo and us chilluns would dance.

In Spain, as already remarked, no one speaks of the language of the country as "Spanish"; it is always "Castellano," of which neither Valencian, Catalan, Galician, still less Basque, is a dialect they are all more or less languages in themselves. But Castellano is spoken with a difference both by the pueblo bajo of Madrid and also in the provinces.