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Updated: August 5, 2024

"Speakin' of catfish, Jim thinks he's hoein' some potatoes." said Field to a group of his friends. "If one of us real live spirits of Borealis had bin in his place, it's ten to one we'd 'a' found a pair of twins." All the remainder of the day, and even after dinner, and up to eight o'clock in the evening, the new arrivals, or the old ones over again, made the cabin on the hill their Mecca.

Things was always comin' out right with Henry, and especially anything hard that he had to do; it wa' n't a-goin' to be hard, 't was jest kind of solid-pleasant. "Take hoein' corn, now. If anything ever tuckered me out, 'twas hoein' corn in the hot sun. But in the field, 'long about the time I begun to lag back a little, Henry he'd look up an' say: "'Good, Jim!

"Jim can't go hoein' nor diggin' but she'll foller him an' tell 'bout the bugs an' worms he turns up, how many legs they've got, an' all that. An' the moon ain't jest a moon no more, an' the stars ain't stars. They're sp'eres an' planets with heathenish names an' rings an' orbits. Jim feels bad powerful bad 'bout it, an' he says he can't see no way out of it.

They're cur'us things if they ain't treat right, an' I guess my ma hadn't got the knack o' pullin' them bolts right. Y'see she'd been trained hoein' kebbeges on a farm in her early years, an' I guess ther' ain't nothin' more calc'lated to fix a woman queer fer the doin's o' perlite sassiety than hoein' kebbeges. Guess I'll get right on."

We've got a fair chance o' goin' un'er yet, eyther from thirst or the famishment o' empty stomaks. I'm hungry enuf already to eat a coyat. Thar's a heavy row afore us, Frank, an' we must strengthen our hearts to hoein' o' it. Wall, the sun's up; an' as thar don't appear to be any obstrukshun, I reck'n we'd best be makin' tracks." Hamersley slowly and somewhat reluctantly rises to his feet.

Ordinarily wounds are stanched with dusty cobwebs and bound up in any old rag. If infection ensues, Providence has to take the blame. A woman gashed her foot badly with an axe; I asked her what she did for it; disdainfully she answered, "Tied it up in sut and a rag, and went to hoein' corn." An injured person gets scant sympathy, if any.

'Why, thin, I wondher what th' ould masther 'ull say to our clearin', an' how he'll take to the life, at all, at all; he that niver did a hand's turn yet in the way of business, only 'musin' himself wid papers an' books as any gintleman ought; how he'll stand seein' Masther Robert hoein' and choppin' like a labourin' man? More be token, it's little o' that thim pair down at Daisy Burn does.

An' when me an' them boys was a workin' up there we could hear that little woman a singin' down at the house a singin' the songs of glory she had hearn the old soldiers sing. Well, one day me an' them boys twin boys, Jedge, was a hoein' the co'n in the field. I ricolleck it jest as well as if it was yistidy. An' atter all these years I can hear that song a comin' up from the house.

"I wish I'd stayed away frum this thunderin' skewl, an' bin contented ter keep right on hoein' 'taturs an' cuttin' grass daown on dad's old farm. Say, ain't ther no way this air matter kin be settled up 'thout shewtin'?" "It's too late for that now. You have accepted Dutchy's challenge, and you'll have to fight this duel." "I never was so thunderin' scat in all my life, by gum!

Next thing ye knew, daown'd go the hoe agin, and up would go his arms, a sawin' the air like a windmill, an' there he'd be a spaoutin' an' a elocutin' fit ter kill. Who but Timotheus would ever think of combinin' hoein' an' elocutin'? I tell ye, he's the most possessed of 'rig'nal'ty of any pusson I ever seen."

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