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"Why lug a mandolin along if no one intends to sing?" he asked pointedly, ignoring Hippy's disrespectful reminiscences. "Oh, very well." Promptly foregoing the will to gather data concerning Reddy's too-oft maligned Titian locks, Hippy began a lively warbling which had nothing in common with the tinkling melody of the mandolin.

Hippy's efforts to draw Hindenburg from the fray met with no better success. It was at this juncture that the bear scored first blood. With a well placed blow of his paw he knocked the pup into the middle of the road, and the lead mule, at whose heels Hindenburg had fallen, kicked him the rest of the way into the bushes. "Sick 'im, Henry!" yelled Joe.

They're the folks that air campin' down by Paw's cornfield." "Glad to meet you, Lum, for we all think Julie is a mighty fine " Hippy's voice trailed off into an indistinct murmur as he gazed up into the face of Julie's stalwart escort.

It was not the pony's fault, however, but Hippy's clumsiness that caused the disaster." "That's right, have all the fun at my expense you wish. I am the comedian of this outfit anyway," protested Hippy. "Let's see you ride one of them, Brown Eyes," he urged, speaking to Grace. "Please have them saddled one by one and I will try them, Mr. Lang," directed Grace.

It was a product of Hippy's fertile brain, and the boys had been rehearsing it with great glee, in view of appearing in it, on some fitting occasion, before the girls. David, gracefully draped in the piano cover, represented Egypt's queen, and languished upon Marc Antony's shoulder in the most approved manner. Reddy, as the Roman conqueror left nothing to be desired.

"I will see that you are taken care of, Hippy," smiled Mrs. Harlowe, who had come out on the veranda in time to hear Hippy's declaration. "Hello, Mother dear," called Grace, "I didn't know you were there." The young people were on their feet in an instant. Grace led her mother to a chair. "Stay with us awhile, Mother," she said. "Hippy is going to sing, and Nora, too."

Shortly thereafter Tom and Hippy joined their shivering companions, and the party, with blankets stretched over their heads, huddled miserably as they sat on the wet ground under the blanket roof, Hindenburg on Hippy's lap, and Henry outside in the rain licking the water from his dripping coat of fur. "How are you, J. Elfreda?" teased Grace. "Saturated and satiated," answered Miss Briggs briefly.

Run!" shouted Tom Gray, at the same time firing his revolver into the air to urge the Overlanders to greater haste. "Run to the river!" It was Hippy's voice, this time raised in warning. He feared that the wide-spreading branches of the falling tree might hit some of the party of Overlanders.

I've known her for a long time, and we've always been on friendly terms. Come and sit beside me, Grace." "Jilted," declared Miriam tragically, as Grace accepted the invitation and seated herself on Hippy's other side. "Not a bit of it. I believe in preparedness. The constant-reinforcements-arriving-every-minute idea appeals to me. You are both bulwarks of defense."

Grace dared not press her investigation further, nor even show herself, the Overland girl shrewdly reasoning that the spot would be watched by those responsible for Hippy's disappearance. She was not desirous of taking unnecessary chances just yet, for, being the captain of her party, she was responsible for their safety.