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The pony?" asked Emma in an unruffled voice. "No! What do I care about the pony? It's my Hippy." A yell from the villagers brought others running to the scene, but no one offered assistance. Hippy and the bronco were tussling on the threshold of the car with Hippy's feet in the air most of the time. "Tickle him in the ribs," suggested a villager. "That'll make him laugh and he'll fergit to kick."

To make certain that she was right she went to her kit and fetched the note referred to, and also brought the note that had been tossed into their camp on the occasion of Hippy's disappearance. The three missives were examined by each of the Overland Riders. It was found that the message tossed into camp and the postscript of the letter found by Washington were in the same handwriting. Mr.

"And 'this 'ere's my authority' for saying that you are no more a constable than I am!" retorted the Overlander. Whack! Hippy's fist landed on the point of the mountaineer's jaw, and the mountaineer went over backwards, landing heavily on the ground unconscious from the blow. "Hippy! Oh, Hippy darlin'! What have you done?" wailed Nora. "Hit him!

Hippy grinned good-naturedly. He was a round roly-poly boy, famous for his appetite. "Get away from here, Red Curls," he cried, hitting Reddy in the back with a snowball. "Oh, you coward," cried Reddy, talking in a high falsetto voice, "to hit a man when his back is turned. I'll slap you for that," and he landed a snowball on Hippy's chest. Hippy crouched behind the girls.

"Backbone of the storm is broken," yelled the guide in Hippy's ear, both being under the same blanket. "So is mine," Hippy howled back. "There's a ton of sand, if there is a pound on it, this very minute. Hope the girls are safe. Can we get out?" "No. The wind is too strong. It will die out in a few moments. I'll go out the minute I can crawl."

The rescuer placed a hand on Hippy's shoulder and guided him slowly, cautiously, every movement forward threatening to draw a groan from the released captive. "Now get up! Give me your hand," whispered, the stranger. "Don't speak."