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"I don't intend to, either," was Nora's unfeeling response. "I purposely told Tom to ask you that. I knew you'd name one that had a good deal about eating in it." "Stop squabbling," commanded Reddy, his fingers fastened in the back of Hippy's collar, "or down the hill you go. Keep quiet, now, Tom is going to perform." Tom placed his hands to his mouth. His friends listened intently.

There was a shout of laughter at Hippy's last remark. From infancy Hippy had been the prize fat boy of Oakdale. "It's only seven o'clock," said David. I move that we hunt up the girls and have a party. That is, if Grace is willing." "That will be fine," cried Grace. Hippy and Reddy were despatched to find Nora and Jessica. While David took upon himself the pleasant task of going for Anne.

"Don't answer him, Miriam," advised Nora. "He is like Tennyson's 'Brooklet, he goes on forever." "How peaceful and quiet it was in Oakdale until yesterday," was Hippy's sorrowful comment. "'Gone are the days when my heart was light and gay, etc." "It will be not merely a case of bygone days, but bygone Hippy as well," threatened David.

I find it much more comforting to say it this way: "Be wise, dear Hippy, from all violence sever, Say noble words, then do folks all day long. Avoid rash deeds, by sweet words e'er endeavor To prove your friends are wrong." A ripple of laughter followed Hippy's sadly altered quotation of the famous lines. "That's a most ignoble sentiment, Hippy," criticized Miriam.

And I believed her and wrapped myself in the curtain to wait for you to be disappointed. I see it all now. It was merely a scheme to attract attention to herself. She is jealous of my popularity." "Oh, hush, you wicked thing," giggled Nora. "You didn't give any one time even to ask for you." "That sounds well," was Hippy's lofty retort, "but remember, all that prattles is not truth."

The pitching of the tents was left for the boy to attend to while the Overlanders were eating. "Now that we are composed, what does all this disturbance of to-day mean?" demanded Miss Briggs. "It may be the result of our running that fellow out of our camp last night, or rather Hippy's running him out. Then again, the incident of to-day may be explained in another way.

Does not Hippy's disappearance strike you as being a strange one, Elfreda?" questioned Grace, giving her companion a quick glance of inquiry. "Yes." "I think we are nearing the spot to which I referred. Keep your eyes open and move slowly. Should we find nothing there, we will walk along a little way off the trail, each taking a side. There!"

"There goes seven dollars and a half," Emma would wail every time a wolf howled. Willy Horse finally shouted and indicated by a gesture, which was revealed to the riders in the rear by Hippy's lamp, that he was about to change his course.

"Look out for Hippy's cards," David cautioned Mr. Harlowe. The rest of the gifts were distributed without accident, and then by common consent a great unwrapping began, accompanied by rapturous "ohs," and plenty of "thank yous." It was almost one o'clock on Christmas morning before any of the guests even thought of home.

Girls, drink your fill, then water the ponies. No, you carry the water out and let Ping do the watering." Hippy assisted Grace down. She dropped to her knees and immediately began digging in the sand, which was wet and sticky. With Hippy's aid, she patted the canvas blanket down as she had seen Hi Lang do it, and in a moment the water began seeping through.