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"Yes, I forbid either one of you to usher the other out," laughed Grace. "There, Reddy, you heard!" exclaimed Hippy. "Now heed." "Have you seen Jessica this morning, Nora?" asked Reddy, answering Hippy's admonition with a withering look. "She will be here later," replied Nora. "She has gone shopping with Mabel, who is going to Hawk's Nest for Christmas Eve."

This continued for some time, until finally Hippy's mount seemed to be getting lazy, for Elfreda, who was riding directly behind the leader, bumped into his pony several times. "Come, come, Hippy! Have you gone to sleep?" demanded Elfreda. "We shall never get out of the tangle at this rate."

"I'll see that he keeps at a safe distance from us till we start for Grace's," was Reddy's grim comment. "You'll see his head appear at that corner in a minute, and then, look out!" They waited in mirthful silence. True to Reddy's prediction Hippy's round face was suddenly thrust into view. Reddy leaped toward him. There was a horrified, "Oh, dreadful!" from Hippy, and the sound of running feet.

"We used to sing a song in kindergarten when I was very young and foolish that started out, 'We are little builders, although at that time I never expected to really become one." "Nora," said Grace severely, "you have all Hippy's bad traits and some of your own thrown in." It was nearing six o'clock before the four friends left the scene of the fire and started for home.

Hippy's urgings bore fruit, and Henry got his breakfast, as did Tom and Hippy, and their appetites fully equalled that of the bear. "Come along, Hippy," urged Tom after they had finished breakfast. "Wha at? Where?" "Let's have a look at the tree that so mysteriously fell on our camp." "Have a heart! Have a heart, Tom! I want to lie down and sleep."

I tried to ring in a 'hipped' horse on him this morning, one hip knocked down just the least little bit, but he noticed it and refused to accept him. Oh, he's got an eye in his head all right. So if you say so, I'll give him the best horse on the ranch in old Hippy's place.

They halted at sound of Tom's voice. Something from the air struck the ground with a thud, and Hippy Wingate toppled over against Elfreda Briggs and sank down, uttering a faint moan. "Hippy's hurt! Something hit him. Quick, Tom! Show a light!" cried Miss Briggs. Tom Gray flashed a ribbon of light from his pocket lamp and sprang to his companion. "Hippy! Hippy!" he begged.

The rider nearest to the water hole whipped out his revolver and fired, but the bullet went over Hippy's head for the very good reason that, expecting this very thing, he had ducked. Hippy fired in return, hit the pony, and the rider tumbled off as the pony went down. Hi Lang was out of the water hole in a twinkling.

They did not know that he was doing this in obedience to Lieutenant Wingate's order, nor that the leader's revolver at that moment was in Hippy's hand, Hippy having slipped it from its holster while still pressing his own weapon against the man who had ducked him. "I told you to get off my desert," said Hippy, incisively. "I've changed my mind. I'm going to kick you off!"

Grace, finally becoming disturbed at Hippy's long absence, announced her intention of going out to look for him, and was giving her companions directions about signaling her when Hippy Wingate came strolling into camp, his clothing torn and his face scratched from contact with brier bushes. "Hulloa, folks," he greeted, grinning sheepishly.