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"Perkins shoot at en try ter kill Marse Scoville," she had whispered to her cronies, "en now he daid he spook comin' yere ter hant de oberseer. We neber hab no quiet nights till dat ar Perkins go way fer good." This rational explanation passed from lip to lip and was generally accepted. The coming night was looked forward to in deep apprehension, and by none more than by Perkins.

But it kep' holt of Serepta, it bound her tight to her uncle while he run through with what property she had, while he sunk lower and lower until at last he needed the very necessaries of life and then he bound her out to work to a woman who kep' a drinkin' den and the lowest hant of vice.

Memories of the past seem to hant you more, mebby it is because them old memories can slip along easier over them glassy streets, easier than they can over our hard rocky pavements. 'Tennyrate they meet you on every side and stay right with you as long as you are there and hant you.

I'd believe he's a hant if 't wasn't for his tracks they're the biggest I ever seen. He must weigh two hunderd and fifty. But he's a foxy cuss. That buck, shorely to God, has wings!" We were at table in the Carolina room when Matt Hyde appeared. Sure enough, he bore a turkey hen. "I was callin' a gobbler when this fool thing showed up. I fired a shoot as she riz in the air, but only bruk her wing.

Well, I took it down to the races at New York, and father he went along with me; for says he, Sam, you don't know every thing, I guess, you hant cut your wisdom teeth yet, and you are goin among them that's had 'em through their gums this while past.

It almost seemed that a poison had been left upon her that was eating its way into depths of her being. She was afraid that someone would know; she trembled when old Jed remarked: "Dis yere little ole pup don slink back like he seed a hant and he had burrs stickin' to his sorry-lookin' hide seems he was off the scent. No 'count!"

"Schmidt, stand berfectly still," said Meyer in his softest fluting. "Kelly has his beece aimed at your head. If you stir hant or foot, you are a kawn koose." Texas Smith was too old a borderer to attempt to draw his weapons while such a man as Kelly was sighting him at ten feet distance. "Play yer hand, sergeant," he said; "you've got the keerds."

A. No.... Q. Who is it that afflicts you? A. I know not, there is a great many of them.... Q. You have seen the black man, hant you? A. No. Reply. I hope you never shall. Q. You have had a book offered you, hant you? A. No. Q. The brushing of you gives you ease, don't it? A. Yes. She turn'd herselfe, and a little groan'd. Q. Now the witches scratch you, and pinch you, and bite you, don't they?

"Den I take his hant, ant says, 'Why say you so, Papa? Come wis me, ant I will say you somesing. Ant Papa come, ant we seat togezer at ze publics-house, ant me sayt, 'Vaiter, give us one Bierkrug, ant he gives us one. We trink altogezer, and broser Johann also trink. 'Papa, sayt me, 'ton't say zat you have only one son, ant wis it you must separate, My heart was breaking ven you say sis.

You have a great habit of telling Dorothea things. I'm understood, am I?" "Yes, sir. You is understood, I know about a left hand and a right hand. God knows I'll be glad to go again if it's to take some Christmas to them. That woman's face kinder hant me ever sence I seen it. 'Twasn't mad or nothin', but plum beat out. I had to make a little egg-nog for my stomach when I got home.