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"We kin jest slip around out here somewhere, and if there is any rebels, find 'em, and git more information than the whole regiment kin." "I'm not so thirsty for information and rebels as I am for some fresh buttermilk," said Shorty. "Somehow, I've been hankering for buttermilk and cornpone for days. I hain't had any for a coon's age, and it'd go mighty good as a change from camp rations.

I believe, indeed, that we should before long have advanced almost as far as our master had done, for he had three or four languages in hand at the same time, to which he added a new one every year or so. My school-days, however, came suddenly to an end. I had always had a hankering for the navy, though I did not talk much about it.

We shall frequently hear of this unfortunate marriage. I won't give you any excuse hereafter for accusing me of neglecting to write. It is you that must take care that with all your leisure you keep up with me. I wished you to know this in case you were still hankering after it. We may be quite satisfied, I think, with my brother's feelings towards Pomponia.

I had a mind once to try if he had any hankering inclination to his own country again; and having taught him English so well that he could answer me almost any question, I asked him whether the nation that he belonged to never conquered in battle?

"You wimmen would ruther say that, than eat pound cake. Supposin' you did tell me, what's the upshot?" "That gimlet-eyed weasel is snuffing round you and me; but we won't turn out to be spring chickens, ready picked." "Which is to signify that Miss Angerline smells a mouse? Don't talk parables, Dyce. What's she done now?" "She is hankering after that hankchiff.

"How dare you take possession of the very spot we had our eye on?" asked Grace, as she shook hands with David. "I came over to try my bird before I have it sent home for the winter," replied David. "I was just locking up." "And the exhibition is all over," cried Grace in a disappointed tone. "I'm so sorry. You see, I still have a hankering for aëroplanes."

I would not change places with a hundred old Aunt Pennys, only I know, alas! that I am not half good enough to be a nurse. Yet I would rather be a nurse than any other character in the world, and I would not go back for a permanency to dear old Redcross, after which I was hankering this very morning, and live at home with you all again, leading the aimless, self-seeking life I led, not though Mr.

"You reckon there might be some chance for him to pick up a bunch of his mates and swing back here to do a little bombing on his own account. Well, we're not hankering to try our own medicine, not if we know it, and on that account I think we'd be wise to pull out of this and find a new refuge perhaps on some lake back from the coast where we might pick up something interesting in our line."

"You know I like you awfully, Philip. Only you are so trying sometimes. Let's make it up." She put up her lips to his, and with a sigh of relief he kissed her. "Now are you happy again?" she asked. "Madly." She bade him good-night and hurried down the road. Next day he took her in a little watch with a brooch to pin on her dress. She had been hankering for it.

A silent youngster began to speak, cleared an accumulated huskiness from his throat and said, "Consider the girl." "Why marry?" asked Bletherley, unregarded. "You must admit you are asking a great thing when you want a girl ..." began Parkson. "Not so. When a girl's chosen a man, and he chooses her, her place is with him. What is the good of hankering? Mutual. Fight together."