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"Damn the fellow!" he said at last, flinging his cigarette away. "Well, that's done with. All the same, he would have liked that Midland job! He has been hankering after a strike there for some time, and might have ranted as he pleased. I shall have the satisfaction of informing him he has lost his opportunity. Now then who to send? By Jove! what about Miss Boyce's friend?"

Half the merchants of the town might have retired upon their profits when it was over if they had had any hankering after good society, which they did not happen to have.

If I'd been able to pitch into that crew and shake the devil out of 'em, I'd stayed on deck. But " "I want you to go back with me. It's getting too funny to miss!" "I ain't got much hankering for them officers' meeting, Beth. It makes me feel like busting chairs on their heads." "But you must go back! You should hear what he is saying to them. Come!"

Possibly Wilmet's frugal regimen engendered a hankering for fruit, or it might have been the mere love of enterprise that rendered her eagerly desirous of an expedition to a lane where splendid blackberries were reported to grow.

Uncle Henry asked, and one seemed to hear his words snapping like dry twigs beneath the heavy tread of his mind. "I'm not hankering after anything," Mark replied sullenly. "But you're looking forward to Mr. Hitchcock's office?" his uncle proceeded. Mark grunted an assent in order to be left alone, and the entrance of Mr.

I resign in favour of Chico." "I need Morani." "Not half as bad as I do, pompous one. Look here, old chap, this is a big job, ain't it, a real big thing?" "Perhaps the end of everything," agreed the underforeman solemnly. "That's why I'm not hankering for it," said Werner under his breath.

Here he was in safety, as no grown person could follow without getting over their knees; and the luckless Charity, while her aunt scolded her from the dairy door, for being "allus hankering about arter our Willum, instead of minding Master Tom," would descend from threats to coaxing, to lure Tom out of the muck, which was rising over his shoes, and would soon tell a tale on his stockings, for which she would be sure to catch it from missus's maid.

Though he had not shown the same degree of alarm as Horatio and Julius at the time they heard those remarkable sounds, so like human shrieks, nevertheless, Thad felt no hankering after another similar experience. Still he would brave much in order to help the chum whose interests were so dear to his own heart.

"I sort of feel a hankering to give you-all a flutter." Again came the pull on his arm. She was trying to pass the apron-string around him. For the fraction of an instant he was a savage, dominated by the wave of fear and murder that rose up in him. For that infinitesimal space of time he was to all purposes a frightened tiger filled with rage and terror at the apprehension of the trap.

Dinah Shadd had told me in the drawing-room of her desire to coax Mulvaney into letting his beard grow. "'Twas so civilian-like," said poor Dinah, who hated her husband's hankering for his old life. "Dinah Shadd, you're a dishgrace to an honust, clane-scraped man! "said Mulvaney, without replying to me. "Grow a beard on your own chin, darlint, and lave my razors alone.