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"And are you," said Cecilia, half-smiling, "of that number?" "No, indeed, madam! I have not so much greatness of mind. But those to whom I belong have more fortitude and higher spirit. I wish I could imitate them!"

'Not than your mother? said Molly, in grave astonishment. 'Yes, than my mother! replied Cynthia, half-smiling. 'It's very shocking, I daresay; but it is so. Now, don't go and condemn me. I don't think love for one's mother quite comes by nature; and remember how much I have been separated from mine!

And all this time his wife and daughter did nothing but quote her, which was still more irritating, for, as he would say, half-grumbling and half-smiling, "If it had not been for me she would not have been here." At first Adriana would not dine at table without Myra, and insisted on sharing her imprisonment.

Charlotte looked at Margaret with surprise; and Margaret, feeling it rather than seeing it, rose up. 'I was afraid you were shutting me out altogether, Charlotte, said she, half-smiling. 'And then you would never have heard me in the kitchen, and the doors into the lane and churchyard are locked long ago. 'Oh, miss, I should have been sure to have missed you soon.

"It du want rain," said Peter Halsey, looking at a crop of oats through an open gate, "it du want rain bad." "Aye!" said the other, "that it du. Muster Shenstone had better 'a read the prayer for rain lasst Sunday, I'm thinkin', than all them long ones as ee did read." Halsey was silent a moment, his half-smiling eyes glancing from side to side. At last he said slowly,

There was a slight pause. The silence in the hall was most impressive. Bill cast his eyes for a brief moment over the waiting throng. There was in the eager faces, some almost wofully serious, some half-smiling, all wide-eyed and with craning necks, a tremendous indication of an almost breathless interest.

There was no outer sign of the young Ferdinand's inward disturbance. "I am afraid," he said, resolute to draw her into talk with himself if he could, though it were only for a moment, "I am afraid that I have made Mr. Eld very angry." Ruth's brown eyes took a half-smiling charge of Sennacherib's surly figure.

That the daughter of the Ry of Rys should kiss him was a thing of which he would dream when deeds were done and over and the shadows threatened. "I will kiss you again in another fifteen years," she said half-smiling through her tears. "But tell me tell me what has happened." "Jethro Fawe has gone," he answered with a sweeping outward gesture.

Again and again I found my eyes turning to the rose-like face, and each time the gray eyes moved, half-smiling, to meet mine. Evidently the child was ready to make friends with me. And when, with a bright smile, she returned my dropped handkerchief, we seemed fairly introduced. "There is going to be a great crowd," she said to me.

'Not likely! said Roger, half-smiling. 'Well, but they might have found another man to finish up your work. 'No one can finish it but myself. Besides, an engagement is an engagement. When I wrote to Lord Hollingford to tell him I must come home, I promised to go out again for another six months. 'Ay. I know. And perhaps it will put it out of thy mind.