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There be monkeys down town, and dorgs what dances on their 'inder legs, and gurt iron cages chock full er wild beastises, by what they tells me." Dickie, feeling anxiously in his pockets for some coin of sufficient size to be worthy of Mr. Deeds' acceptance, ejaculated involuntarily: "Oh! are there? I'd give anything to see them." "Sixpence 'ud do most er they 'ere shows, I expect.

So far 's I can make out, there's a gurt wide street runnin' right down to the shore yonder, just in a line wi' thicky big white house atop of the hill; and if we was anchored in line wi' thicky street, our shot 'd sweep un from end to end and, unless I be greatly mistaken, would play havoc wi' some of they big buildin's, the tops of which you can see over t'other houses, and which I thinks may be Gov'ment buildin's of some sort ay, and I be right, too, for, look 'e there, dashed if they ain't hoistin' the Spanish flag upon the biggest of 'em now."

'Thee looks like a gurt malkin' is a common term of reproach among the poor folk meaning a bunch of rags on the end of a stick. We went out to look at the oven; and then Mrs. Luckett made me taste her black-currant gin, which was very good. Presently we went into the orchard to look at the first apple-tree out in bloom. While there a magpie flew across the meadow, and as I watched it Mrs.

An' we goes into t' drawn-room wheer her husband was a-settin'. They meks a gurt fuss ower t' dog an' I has a bottle o' aale, an' he gave me a handful o' cigars. Soa I coomed away, but t' awd lass sings out 'Oh, Mister Soldier, please coom again and bring that prettee dog. I didn't let on to t' Colonel's Laady about Mrs.

I was always in the habit of taking a short cut on my way home, across the 'gurt na brocha, the priest's meadows, as they call them, it saved nearly half a mile, although, on the present occasion, it exposed one wofully to the rain, for there was nothing to shelter against the entire way, not even a tree.

"`Ye haaf saved bucca, ye mazed totle, that can only frighten women an' child'n, an burn housen; thee'rt fond o' singin' an' dancin' dance now, will 'ee, ye gurt bufflehead, or ef ye waant I'll scat thee head in jowds, an' send 'ee scrougin' over cliffs, I will." In justice to the narrator it is right to say that these words are not so bad as they sound.

I was always in the habit of taking a short cut on my way home, across the 'gurt na brocha, the priest's meadows, as they call them, it saved nearly half a mile, although, on the present occasion, it exposed one wofully to the rain, for there was nothing to shelter against the entire way, not even a tree.

An' we goes into t' drawn-room wheer her 'usband was a-settin'. They meks a gurt fuss ovver t' dog an' I has a bottle o' aale, an' he gave me a handful o' cigars. Soa I coomed away, but t' awd lass sings out "Oh, Mister Soldier, please coom again and bring that prettee dog." I didn't let on to t' Colonel's Laady about Mrs.

"Yes, sir, here it is," said he. "'Deed of conveyance between Godfrey O'Malley, of O'Malley Castle, Esq., on the one part' perhaps you'd like your solicitor to examine it, 'and Blake, of Gurt' because there is no hurry, Captain O'Malley 'on the other. In fact, after all, it is a mere matter of form between relatives," said he, as I declined the intervention of a lawyer.

"Very sorry, mum," said the maid, mingling some indignation with her apology, "this here gurt paint tripped I up. I'm sure I hope I haven't hurt un" and she planted the picture on the floor against the table. Miss Joliffe scanned the picture with an eye which was trained to detect the very flakiest chip on a saucer, the very faintest scratch upon a teapot.