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At last he looked up into the Doctor's face and said, "The man in there is unhappy. He weeps. He has taken care not to blubber or sniffle, lest we should find out that he is crying. But I heard quite distinctly the sound of a tear falling on his sleeve." "How do you know it wasn't a drop of water falling off the ceiling on him?" asked Gub-Gub. "Pshaw! Such ignorance!" sniffed Too-Too.

Gub-Gub, with his short legs, soon got tired; and the Doctor had to carry him which made it pretty hard when they had the trunk and the hand-bag with them as well. The King of the Jolliginki thought it would be easy for his army to find them, because the Doctor was in a strange land and would not know his way.

There was a strong, winey smell. And in the middle of the floor sat a little boy, about eight years old, crying bitterly. "I declare, it is the pirates' rum-room!" said Jip in a whisper. "Yes. Very rum!" said Gub-Gub. "The smell makes me giddy." The little boy seemed rather frightened to find a man standing there before him and all those animals staring in through the hole in the broken door.

But the King's men, who were still following, had heard the noise of the monkeys cheering; and they at last knew where the Doctor was, and hastened on to catch him. The big monkey carrying Gub-Gub was coming along behind slowly, and he saw the Captain of the army sneaking through the trees. So he hurried after the Doctor and told him to run.

Then they flew off and Gub-Gub came out from behind his barrel to see them go. Up and up and up they went higher and higher and higher still. Then, when the Doctor could only just see them, they parted company and started going off all different ways North, East, South and West, looking like tiny grains of black sand creeping across the wide, blue sky.

So Polynesia took him downstairs into the inside of the ship and showed him the beds, set all on top of one another like book-shelves against a wall. "Why, that isn't a bed!" cried Gub-Gub. "That's a shelf!" "Beds are always like that on ships," said the parrot. "It isn't a shelf. Climb up into it and go to sleep. That's what you call 'a bunk." "I don't think I'll go to bed yet," said Gub-Gub.

And the pushmi-pullyu was glad they had come; because he liked the green grass so much better than the dried apples he had been eating on the ship. And Gub-Gub squeaked for joy when he found a whole valley full of wild sugarcane.

And they stood on the rail of the ship, like round-shouldered soldiers all in a row, stern and still and stiff; while their great, gleaming, black eyes shot darting glances here and there and everywhere. Gub-Gub was scared of them and got behind a barrel. He said he felt as though those terrible eyes were looking right inside of him to see what he had stolen for lunch.

Then they all grew very sad; and Gub-Gub, the pig, began to cry. But Chee-Chee said he would spank him if he didn't stop that horrible noise; and he kept quiet. "Are we all here?" asked the Doctor, after he had got used to the dim light. "Yes, I think so," said the duck and started to count them. "Where's Polynesia?" asked the crocodile. "She isn't here." "Are you sure?" said the Doctor.

EVERYTHING would have gone all right if the pig had not caught a cold in his head while eating the damp sugar-cane on the island. This is what happened: After they had pulled up the anchor without a sound, and were moving the ship very, very carefully out of the bay, Gub-Gub suddenly sneezed so loud that the pirates on the other ship came rushing upstairs to see what the noise was.