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He was a small, worn, grey-faced man, very erect in his bearing and sudden in his speech, with more of the soldier than of the lawyer in his appearance. 'So, said he, pressing his seal above the fastening of the string, 'I see that your horse is ready for you outside.

Jean Calvet the younger, he who should have been the seventh of his line, was coursed in the open like a hare, but turned at the last and died at bay as a wolf dies. Behind the barred door were Jean the sixth, his two younger sons, and the dead man's wife. The woman, grey-faced but tearless, fought as the men fought, using her Jean's cross-bow from the narrow upper windows.

Perhaps it was astonishment that moved the big man surely it could not have been fear yet he knelt there behind the sheltering tree grey-faced, wide, and blank of eye, as a man might look who dreamed and awoke to see his vision standing before him in full sunlit life. What his expression became then could not be said, for he buried his face in his hands and his great body shook with a tremor.

The little grey-faced pickpocket caught at his trade at the Dallas Fair, told me how easy it was to add an under-bit to an over-bit to the ears of the two hogs stolen, "Sure that sneakin' niggah pahson did it," he averred but all the while he likewise averred that he hadn't picked the pocket of the man from whom he was accused of stealing a wallet.... "Yes, I'll admit Ah've done sech things.

"But one day, during maneuvers, there came to the camp a grey-faced man, a newspaper correspondent, and young Shrike knocked up a friendship with him. Now how it come about I cannot tell, but so it did that this skip-kennel wormed the lad's sorrow out of him, and his confidents, swore he'd been damnabilly used, and that when he got back he'd crack up the book himself in his own paper.

The man was dazed by his misfortune, incapable of answering the questions which were put to him, or even of instructing the exasperated solicitor who had been with him for an hour. By the solicitor's side was a grey-faced, shrunken man, whose clothes did not seem to fit him and who at the end of the proceedings whispered something into the lawyer's ear.

Presently he too had finished, and again the Attorney-General rose. "Call Olaf Hanson," he said, and there was a stir of excitement. The door leading to the cells opened, and two tall detectives came through, and two others followed. In the midst of the four walked the short, grey-faced man, in whose hands was the fate, and indeed the life, of Colonel Dan Boundary.

It is true," said Bosio, in uncertain tones. "And I wish to know whether " he stopped. "Whether the grey-faced man and the handsome woman whose eyes are near together will really kill her?" asked the spirit voice. Bosio felt his soft hair rising on his head. "Do you know who I am?" he asked nervously. "No," replied the voice of Giuditta. "The spirits know everything, but I do not.

The dying man was asking about a leakage from Willey Water into one of the pits. 'Some more we shall have to run off the lake, said Gerald. 'Will you? The faint voice filtered to extinction. There was dead stillness. The grey-faced, sick man lay with eyes closed, more dead than death. Gerald looked away. He felt his heart was seared, it would perish if this went on much longer.

But this taime they was sure wrong. Ef I git framed up," he added, "I mean tuh study law ... pull foh a job in th' prison libery an' read up ... an' take up practice when I serve my term." Beside the hog-stealing parson and the little grey-faced pickpocket there were also: A big negro youth, black as shiny coal, who was being held over on appeal.